What Do I Do if I Think I Have Been Misdiagnosed?

Each year, millions of people with a physical or mental health condition may feel that they may have been misdiagnosed. Being misdiagnosed could potentially lead to a life-threatening situation. If you think you’ve been misdiagnosed, getting a correct diagnosis promptly is essential to your overall health and well-being. What should you do if you think you’ve been misdiagnosed?

Symptoms of a Misdiagnosis

When an individual feels that they have been misdiagnosed, often there are symptoms associated with the diagnosis that are telltale clues. Even though doctors have extensive experience and skills in diagnosing physical and mental conditions, sometimes they get it wrong because they are human.

It’s essential to pay attention to your symptoms and promptly discuss your condition with your healthcare provider when you feel that the symptoms are getting worse or changing. Many illnesses are similar to another and cause similar symptoms, and to diagnose health conditions, doctors may need to run a number of tests to help make a correct diagnosis. When test results indicate one diagnosis, it could be another if the doctor wasn’t made aware of all the symptoms.

If you feel that you’ve been misdiagnosed, getting a second opinion can be a good idea. If the second diagnosis is different from the first, it could mean that you have been misdiagnosed. If your medicine is not working, that also could be a symptom of misdiagnosis. In that instance, contact your healthcare provider promptly.

If You Think You Have Been Misdiagnosed

Many doctors understand that you will come prepared for appointments. Make your sources are credible — just because it’s on the Internet doesn’t mean it’s true. Gathering information can be a good starting place for a conversation with your healthcare provider, but remember that you have not had the education and training that your provider has. Your healthcare provider can help you put what you have read into context.

It’s important not to diagnose yourself — Dr. Google has never seen you! Be sure you tell your physician about all your symptoms. Knowing all your symptoms will help your physician order the appropriate tests and make a proper diagnosis.

If you feel like you have been misdiagnosed, be completely open and honest about your symptoms, eating habits, exercise routine, and drug or alcohol use. Don’t leave anything out. If you are uncomfortable sharing your information with your doctor, consider getting another physician.

At The Guest House, we understand that knowing all the symptoms is essential to making an accurate diagnosis and planning appropriate treatment. If you feel that you have been misdiagnosed with substance use or mental health disorder, our therapists and medical professionals may be able to help you. Reach out to us for an unbiased opinion. If you are struggling with addiction or a mental health issue, reach out to us. We are here to help. For more information, call The Guest House at (855) 483-7800.