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Drug rehab is a time full of challenges. Entering rehab with children at home can feel debilitating, wondering if they are taken care of and doing okay. While making this decision has long-term positive consequences, in the short-term, it can feel difficult. Families with small children at home often don’t realize the impact of addiction on their feelings, emotions, and behavior. Going to treatment is the best option for families with children so they can grow up in a healthy home.


Honest Inventory

Being honest about the situation, even while the child is little, can be helpful to the whole family. Honesty about what is happening tells the child it is okay to have struggles and commit to doing something about them. Many things in life may have been uncertain at home with the kids and they definitely notice. Even the youngest of children can feel the impact of stress associated with drug and alcohol use. Don’t make excuses or mask the truth. Honesty now promotes honesty in the future and children will begin to understand how this impacts them in a positive way. 


Have Visits in Treatment

Aside from treatment involving family, scheduling a visit with kids in rehab is a great way to incorporate them into the journey of healing. First, speak with counselors and program support staff to find out what would be most helpful. It is important to be prepared to accept their feelings about addiction. This is a big step towards encouraging a dialogue between that person and their child. A child of a family member with addiction can feel isolated and lonely. This helps them deal positively with their feelings and support their own journey of healing. Some tips to help the visit go well:

  • Apologize for behavior 
  • Tell them honestly why treatment is necessary
  • Answer questions they have
  • Keep the conversation at their level and don’t overexplain
  • Let them know they are not alone and they are still loved


Self-Care in Treatment

Work with counselors and staff to help deal with feelings that come up dealing with issues at home. When children are left at home, parents can feel they abandoned them. Understand as a parent, there may be difficult situations to navigate, but it can get better and is necessary to ensure regular visits. Work with the rehab facility to find ways of navigating difficult emotions and feelings on the journey of healing. Families are important in rehab, especially for support. Use this as a reason to work harder than ever for the sake of children and loved ones wanting to see treatment be the hope they desire for recovery. Healing in recovery is not just an individual process. Loved ones are waiting to see the new person that emerges from treatment. Even though it will take time to recover and heal from different aspects of addiction, the journey continues throughout a person’s life. As long as they are willing to grow and learn, they will continue to build positive connections with their loved ones.


The Guest House Ocala helps families reconnect in treatment who have been struggling with addiction. We help you find hope and healing in recovery, especially those with children at home. Our programs offer treatment and therapy for individuals and families to support everyone. Call us to find out how to get started: 1-855-483-7800