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How to Emotionally Connect With Your Loved Ones

Learning to connect with your loved ones can be important for strengthening relationships and improving your overall well-being. If you struggle with your mental health, connecting with others can sometimes feel like a Herculean feat. Know that you are not alone. Here are a few suggestions to help you begin to connect on a deeperRead More

Showing Yourself Love This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is synonymous with love and couples going out to dinner and doing activities together. However, if you are single, this could be a day that is not so happy and exciting. Valentine’s Day can also be a very dark and challenging day for anyone who has lost a loved one or spouse. TryRead More

Am I Sabotaging My Relationships?

Surrounding yourself with healthy relationships is an important part of maintaining overall well-being and happiness. Everyone needs to feel supported and as if they belong in a group with equals. For some people, however, accepting healthy relationships can be hard. If you think you may be struggling with sabotaging healthy relationships, reach out to aRead More

How Do I Support a Loved One in Denial?

Supporting a loved one struggling with addiction can be all-consuming. You desperately want to help them and take away their pain. If your loved one is struggling to accept that they have a substance abuse problem, there may be only so much you can do to help them. Here are a few actions you canRead More

Maintaining Non-Sober Relationships

Making the choice to go to treatment and get sober was a huge decision that took considerable time and effort. You have worked so hard. You can be proud of your journey. Not everyone with an addiction is ready for that journey, though you were. Also, not everyone in your life will be sober. YouRead More

Acknowledging Your Trauma

Struggling with past trauma can affect every area of your life. So often, people think that if they can push their trauma or emotions down deep enough, then the trauma and negative emotions cannot affect daily life. That is simply not true. Learning to acknowledge your trauma will help you to better understand your mentalRead More

How to Help a Loved One Practice Self-Care

Self-care is a significant part of maintaining overall well-being. If you have a loved one struggling with addiction or mental health, it can feel scary. You probably want to do whatever you can to help them along their journey towards healing. One way you can support and help them is to help them with theirRead More

How to Enforce Boundaries

Whether you are working on improving your mental health, overcoming addiction, or any other goal in life, having boundaries with other people is essential. Having boundaries will help you work towards your goals and maintain healthy relationships. For some people, enforcing boundaries can be difficult. Many people feel guilty telling others that they cannot doRead More

How Do I Enforce Boundaries?

Having boundaries is a significant part of having healthy relationships, particularly when you are in recovery from substance abuse or are facing mental health issues. Boundaries are how you ensure that you are comfortable and others are not engaging in behaviors that harm you, your mental health or put your sobriety at risk. Once youRead More

Do My Relationships Affect My Mental Health?

As humans, we seek connection from various people, whether through romantic partners, friends, or family members. Relationships are an important part of life and can affect your mental health both positively and negatively. So, how do relationships affect mental health? Relationships Improve Health Relationships can help with both physical and mental health. According to HarvardRead More