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Approaching a Loved One Who Engages in Self-Harm

Self-harm, or the act of hurting oneself to cope with difficult emotions, can be very dangerous. Watching a loved one self-harm can be emotionally devastating and overwhelming. Often it can be hard to understand the act of self-harm for those who have never experienced the urge to hurt themselves deliberately. If someone you care aboutRead More

Helping Your Child Through Divorce

Divorce can be a highly emotional experience for everyone in the family. For some children, divorce can affect their mental health and overall well-being. Learning to help your children work through this tough time can often feel overwhelming. You desperately want to take away any of their stress or unhappiness. Know that you are notRead More

4 Tips for Managing Well-Being in College

College is a fantastic time, filled with learning and exploration. College is also a busy time, filled with classes, clubs, and friends. Learning how to manage time and stress, however, can be challenging. Remembering to take care of your mental health and well-being is critical to your success in college. If you have found yourselfRead More

How to Cope After a Suicide Loss

Coping after the loss of a loved one is often challenging to do. Processing emotions can turn into a monumental task, and daily life can feel overwhelming. When you experience a loved one committing suicide, you may find that you experience a confusing mixture of emotions simultaneously. Know that you are not alone. Reach outRead More

How Can I Tell My Parents I Want to See a Therapist?

Deciding that you need help from a mental health professional is a big step. Trying to decide if what you are going through is something that a therapist could help you with can feel overwhelming. Once you decide that therapy is something that you want to explore, you then need to decide which professional andRead More

How Can I Learn to Trust Myself?

Having trust in yourself is an important part of a happy life. If you struggle with trusting yourself, know you are not alone. Everyone has moments when they do not trust themselves. It could be involving a relationship, work, an activity, or a hobby. For many people, that lack of trust is brief and doesRead More

How Can I Know if a Friendship Is Healthy?

If you have begun to work on your mental health issues, addiction, or recovery, then having healthy relationships and friendships is very important. Everyone needs to be surrounded by people who are supportive, positive, and regard others as equals. Many people find that feeling like they belong in a group or community helps the recoveryRead More

How Can I Make Friends as an Adult?

As an adult, you may find it more challenging to make new friends than when you were a child. As a child, you probably went to school, joined clubs, or played sports and spent a substantial amount of time with your peers. You naturally made friends with very little thought or effort. You simply connectedRead More

How Can You Learn to Feel More Significant?

When you struggle to feel significant, it can greatly affect your life. Feeling insignificant can increase isolation, affect your self-confidence, and stifle your growth. Learning to find significance is essential when working on mental health issues and overall well-being. However, it can be challenging for those struggling with mental health issues or addiction. Reaching outRead More