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Deciding to seek treatment for an addiction is a big decision, one that probably comes with more than a little stress. You are leaving your home, your routine, and your family to work on the struggles you are facing. When you have a child or children at home, this can be an even scarier decision to make. While seeking treatment has many great long-term effects, they can sometimes be overshadowed by the fear of leaving children. Making sure they are taken care of is probably a top priority, but it is also important to remember how they will benefit from you seeking treatment and help.

Be Open and Honest

Whether they are babies or teenagers, they will notice you are gone. Making sure they are comfortable and safe is your top priority. Depending on their age, they will probably be wondering where you are going and why. Take the time to be open and honest if you can. If this is challenging or a big step, wait until you are working with a professional. They can help you work through telling your children what you are going through. Being open and honest is a big step, and it is ok to need help doing it. Making sure the children are emotionally supported while you are away is the most important aspect of this. Often, living with an addict is stressful or chaotic. It is important to make sure the transition to treatment is as smooth as possible. 

Schedule Visits

Work with your treatment team to schedule visits. This can be a great healing moment and one that opens some great dialogue. Depending on age, your child will probably have some questions or concerns about how treatment is going. Working with a professional can not only help you prepare for these sometimes hard questions but also understand how to answer them honestly and effectively in a way that your child can understand.  

Deciding to seek out treatment is a big step. It can be a daunting and stressful decision. The idea of leaving children behind can be almost unbearable, and something that can be very emotionally challenging. Working with a professional can help you help your children to understand what you are going through, and what you are trying to accomplish. There are so many great long-term effects of seeking treatment, and the Guest House is here to help you work toward them. Call us today to learn more about our treatment options at (855) 483-7800.