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Healthy Habits in Early Recovery

When you leave a treatment center, it’s tempting to think that the hardest part is over. However, the real work starts now. If you’ve struggled with substance abuse, your recovery journey could be long and challenging. Working on staying sober after leaving rehab is a challenge for most people because they’re dealing with old habits, new triggers, and a completely different environment than the structured setting of rehab. So how do you stay sober after leaving rehab?

Healthy Habits for Recovery

The methods described below are known as recovery or sober living habits. These methods can help you stay on track toward your goals once you leave treatment.

Morning Exercise

Many people with substance abuse issues end up feeling depleted and exhausted because they’re constantly dealing with substance cravings and the negative effects of the substances they’re abusing. Feeling exhausted and having low energy levels is not unusual for people with active addiction. However, it can actually make it harder to stay sober if you don’t do something about it.

Out of all the recovery strategies on this list, starting your day with exercise has the most research-backed health benefits. Exercising regularly helps to regulate your mood, increase your energy levels, and reduce the amount of stress in your life.

Exercise also helps to release endorphins, which make you feel happier, less stressed, and less anxious. Regular exercise can also help you sleep better by reducing your stress levels and raising your body’s endorphin levels.

Find a Recovery Group

One of the key components of early recovery is to surround yourself with other sober people. Having sober friends, coworkers, and loved ones in your life can help to keep you accountable for your actions and help prevent you from relapsing. Finding a recovery group, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or a Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meeting, can be an excellent way to help you stay sober during early recovery.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet during early recovery has been proven to improve your mood and reduce anxiety. Eating a nutritious diet is also helpful for reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even some types of cancer.

A healthy diet is not just about eating less junk food. It’s about eating a variety of different foods from all of the different food groups to make sure you’re getting all the proper nutrients.

Develop a Routine

Having a routine is helpful for almost every aspect of your life, and it’s essential for people in early recovery. Having a routine can help you to stay focused, stress-free, and more productive in your daily life. You can use your routine to help you stay sober during the early parts of your recovery.

Benefits of Healthy Habits

Having healthy habits can help you to reduce your stress levels, keep you more productive, and give you something to focus on each day. Having a routine also helps you to avoid boredom, which can often lead to cravings and relapse in some people.

Even though recovery is challenging, it’s important not to give up. Early recovery is a great time to make changes. You may slip up along the way, but you can always get back up again and keep working toward your goals. Early recovery can be a difficult time for many people, but it’s important to remember that it won’t last forever. These strategies can help you to stay sober during the early stages of your recovery. Call The Guest House at (855) 483-7800 for more information.