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How Do I Deal With PTSD on July 4th?

Independence Day each year is celebrated with barbeques, swimming pools, and tons of fireworks. For many Americans, this is an exciting time to see the nighttime sky blowup with beautiful colors and booming sounds. For someone with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the fireworks could actually be a trigger for symptoms to surface along with the crowds that come to see the show.

Hypervigilance, flashbacks, and profuse sweating are symptoms of PTSD that can come about with the overwhelming factors of July 4th activities and being startled by loud noises even in the comfort of their own home. Rather than wanting to observe Independence Day traditionally, a person with PTSD may find themselves at a loss through isolation and experiencing fear from trauma.

Know Your Triggers

Finding out what can set you off is crucial for your PTSD symptoms to dissipate. Darken your bedroom to escape the bright lights. Invest in noise-canceling ear gear to help lessen the loud noises. Use aromatherapy to soothe your senses and calm your anxiety. Find the things that can help you settle during this time that may be terrifying because of your post-traumatic stress.

Know Your Coping Skills

You can use some tools to alleviate your symptoms if you are unable to gather the items that can help with your triggers. Use mindfulness to help you concentrate on the present moment. Apply the 5-4-3-2-1 technique to relieve sensory issues with five things you can see, four things you can hear, three things you can feel, two things you can smell, and one good thing you are grateful for.

Using coping skills that will help you to manage your PTSD will assist you in a beneficial manner. Ironically, many soldiers and veterans come back from serving their country with PTSD and are unable to celebrate this holiday that showcases the very freedoms they are fighting for.

The debilitating symptoms of PTSD can keep someone from participating in the July 4th festivities. It is essential to recognize that PTSD is not a psychological weakness. Getting help when a person is suffering from this disorder is a sign of strength to mitigate the symptoms that can eventually make them free from their trauma.

At The Guest House Ocala, we offer residential treatment programs specialized for the care of traumas, addictions, and related mental health issues. Call us today for information on our trauma treatment programs and our concierge-style customization for every guest: (855) 984-0626