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Resilience is the ability to adapt to challenging circumstances and life events. To exhibit resilience means bouncing back and recovering from difficult life circumstances, including trauma and addiction. Instead of feeling stuck, resilience can help you get out from under what is pressing upon you and learn from the experience. Resilience is essential in recovery because it is more than just abstaining from drugs and alcohol – it is about addressing the underlying issues related to trauma, self-esteem, and confidence. Since resilience is related to persistence, it will help develop and maintain coping skills that promote lasting recovery. How resilient are you?

Seeking the Underlying Problems to Meeting Goals

Do you interpret not meeting a goal as a failure? Or do you consider how these challenges could help improve your recovery? Exercising resilience and asking why and where you missed a goal is vital to recovery. Was it because you set your expectations too high? Or maybe you didn’t properly prepare? Making a small adjustment can make all the difference in the outcome of events. Remember, a car cannot start without an ignition key; however, not having a key does not mean the car itself does not function.

You Can’t Control Everything

There will always be something that is out of your control. Building resilience means that you can accept that things are out of your control and move forward when challenges and setbacks occur. If you have not yet developed the ability to accept that certain things are out of your control, using therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy could help you discover your thought patterns. Such treatments help you better understand and prepare yourself when meeting life’s challenges.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is an essential facet of recovery that can help you take care of your mental and physical well-being. Include meditation, mindfulness, a good diet, exercise, sleep schedules, and participating in activities you enjoy into your self-care routine. Such care promotes resilience so that you have outlets to explore when you are feeling stressed or anxious.

Resilience is a tool to help sharpen your recovery. Don’t mistake resilience for avoidance. Resilience means to face challenging thoughts and behaviors and look for proactive and positive ways to correct them. If this becomes too difficult, reach out for help. At Guest House, we offer you the comfort and safety you need to overcome your addiction. We also provide many therapies and treatments because we believe each individual walks their path to recovery and requires appropriate treatment to meet their individual needs. To learn more, call us today at (855) 483-7800.