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Now that you are in recovery, you have started living an independent life again. As part of your independence, you are probably getting out there and meeting new people. However, social situations in recovery can be challenging to navigate.

Now you have to think about whether social situations are acceptable in recovery and if they are in your best interests. You might worry that declining social situations in order to avoid your vices will alienate others.

It is time to have a conversation about setting boundaries that ensure your continued wellness and health. You are worth being cared for, and it’s important to find friends and family who will look out for you.

The Must-Haves of Setting Boundaries

First, let’s understand what boundaries are. A boundary is a limit you are setting that keeps you safe and protected. The people who love you will understand that you need to set them. Some might have boundaries of their own, and it is important for you to respect them.

Boundaries represent our personal values and needs. Right now, you need to prioritize wellness and mental health. Your boundaries may change and grow as time goes on, and that is okay, too.

When setting boundaries, make sure to use “I” statements. “I” statements eliminate ambiguity with the people you are talking to. It will also make you seem less defensive and more decisive. Finally, one of the most important rules of setting boundaries is to be upfront and honest with those with whom you are talking.

Relationship Trauma and Addiction Recovery

We have all experienced trauma in relationships. The reality is that some people will take more from you than they should, which constitutes a betrayal of your trust and your health.

It is important to recognize that you are worthy of healthy relationships that stimulate you and don’t tear you down. This means that you should demand that those who engage with you do so with your best interests in mind, just like you would for them.

Looking (and Thinking) Forward

Experiencing trauma in relationships leaves a lasting mark. It can be difficult to leave those scars behind and not judge every relationship based on the one that failed. That, however, is exactly what we must do when we move on.

At The Guest House, we believe it is important to understand trauma and its effect on why we do what we do. Facing our trauma and grieving our loss allows us to move on from it and embrace new relationships and people with renewed vigor, setting reasonable boundaries and engaging with respect.

Making new connections can be one of the greatest keys to your success in recovery and a lifetime of sober living. Don’t let unhealthy relationships derail your treatment. Setting reasonable boundaries can make all the difference in finding the new, healthy connections you are seeking. Here at The Guest House, you will find all the resources you need, learn new coping skills, and discover how to put health and wellness first in relationships. The choice is yours. Call (855) 483-7800 today to speak with a caring, trained staff member.