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anxious partnerMental health can affect everyone within the family. Each member needs to learn how to work through their struggles in a healthy way. If you live with a partner who struggles with anxiety, you may wish you could take away their worries or solve their problems. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. If you find yourself feeling this way, here are a few tips to keep in mind. 


Encourage Outside Help

If you do not have a mental health background, there is a good chance you probably do not fully understand what your partner is going through. Encourage the use of professional help. Sometimes when others try to act like a therapist, it can have the opposite effect from what was anticipated or desired. 


Ask How You Can Help

Everyone has different needs. Ask how you can support your partner. Do they need space while they work through their challenges? Do they want you to ask how therapy went or what they talked about? Do they want you to help maintain a routine or to help break habits? Some people benefit from having specific help, while others do not benefit from a highly involved partner. Try to figure out what your partner needs the most from you, and always respect their wishes. 


Acknowledge Your Needs

When our partners are struggling, we want to help. We may even be a little afraid to speak up when it comes to the things we need. Try to fight that fear. You are important, and you matter. Your needs are important and need to be met as well as your partners. While you should always be respectful, you should also voice your needs and make time for yourself. 


If you have a partner who struggles with anxiety, it may affect your life as well, along with your relationship as a whole. You may find yourself feeling overwhelmed by trying to help your partner work through their struggles and challenges. Try to encourage your partner to see a therapist. Make time for yourself, and ensure that your needs are met. Being supportive and loving can be difficult if you are not taking care of yourself first. Here at The Guest House, we know that mental health can affect everyone in a family or a relationship. We are here to support you in any way that we can. Call us today to learn more about our different treatment programs and how we can support your unique recovery journey at (855) 483-7800