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Perfect recovery does not exist, unless we’re talking about hitting the pillow clean and sober every night. Everything leading up to closing your eyes to another 24 hours logged in your sober history, is trial and error. We all do our own recovery differently, and what works for one person, may not work for the next. What worked for you a few weeks ago, may not be working for you now. Recovery is a give and take of finding out how we can improve ourselves and the lives we lead.

If you are new, sobriety likely feels as though you’re in a foreign country with no road map. After our lives had been dominated by drugs and alcohol, living without chemicals and figuring out how to stay away from them is an alien concept. Luckily, other people have had to do the same, and they are more than willing to offer suggestions as to what has worked for them. As time goes forward, you are able to tailor your own recovery to meet your needs, and help others when they need it most.

Recovery, like life, is full of ups and downs and we adapt as we go. It’s not uncommon for people with some time under their belts to occasionally feel brand new again, or to feel like everything they’re doing is wrong. Other times, we might feel uncomfortable and disoriented in our recovery. Or, we might be unhappy. It is important to remember, that whatever it is you are feeling and experiencing, it is only a feeling and it will pass. It may not change immediately, and you will probably have to do some work to help it move along, but it will change. Feelings won’t kill you, but picking up over them will.

No matter what is going on in your life, or how you feel about your recovery, if you don’t pick up a drink or a drug—no matter what—you are doing just fine. We are not perfect, and we never will be, so don’t have expectations that your recovery needs to come anywhere near perfection. If you are still struggling with addiction, and want to stop drinking or using, we can help.

The Guest House Ocala is your first step toward a new life in recovery. Our detox center is a premier luxury facility that offers you the top medical protocols and therapies in the substance abuse industry. You will be in good hands here, as our staff is committed to supporting you and ensuring you are as comfortable as possible throughout the detox process. If you are ready to begin a new path, give us a call. We are available 24/7, toll-free at 1-855-483-7800. You can do this, and you can recover. Call today.