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Returning to Work After Substance Abuse Treatment

Returning to work after leaving treatment can jump-start numerous opportunities and get you moving in the right direction. After leaving treatment, you may want to get your life back on track and put your new skills into action. One of the best ways to do this is to get back into the workforce.

Going through a treatment program gives you new skills and attributes that are a great asset to any company. However, some of these skills may be overlooked as you return to work. It is up to you to recognize these new abilities and translate them into skills that will help you as you return to the job you had before treatment, a new job, or maybe even a new career.

Beginning Stages

When leaving treatment, the world may seem exciting or overwhelming, especially when first thinking about reentering the workforce.

Overcoming Fear

A common concern for many people leaving treatment is that companies will not want to hire them because of their former problems with substance abuse. You may be worried initially, but remember that you have overcome struggles that many people have never faced. You can use that determination to work through any obstacles you encounter as you reenter the workforce.

Updating Your Resume

You may want to update your resume. Many people get help with resumes from an individual or company specializing in fine-tuning resumes. You want your resume to outline your experience and skills, and a professional will be able to help you choose the proper format to do so. You may be able to include some of the skills that you gained while in treatment. Once you have a resume that showcases your experience and abilities, you can begin networking and finding opportunities in industries that fit your interests.

Opportunities After Treatment

When you decided to seek treatment for substance abuse, you began a journey of healing that improved your mental and physical health. In treatment, you learned a lot about yourself and overcame many obstacles. Choosing to work is a wise option; it’s good to be busy during the early stages of recovery. You may even find that your career, now that you have overcome addiction, is another source of success and pride and an important part of your healing.

After you leave treatment, work is a great option to help you avoid unnecessary situations and boost your self-esteem. However, if you feel overwhelmed and nervous about returning to the workforce, remember you are not alone. At The Guest House, we understand that work is a way to enhance your recovery. As you leave treatment, you may feel excited about returning to work, or you may feel apprehensive. Either way, we are here to help you. Call us at (855) 483-7800 to learn more about our treatment options.