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How Can I Become a Better Communicator?

Learning to communicate effectively is a skill that everyone needs to have. Whether you are communicating with a friend, family member, or employer, you need to be able to communicate if you want to have your voice heard in an effective way. Here are a few tips to improve your communication skills. Notice Nonverbal CommunicationRead More

4 Tips for Overcoming Your Fears and Anxieties

Everyone experiences fears and anxieties at some point in life. Often these fears come and go and are easily worked through. However, sometimes fears and anxieties become so extreme that they begin to impact daily life and relationships. When those situations begin to occur, it can become essential to overcome your fears to gain betterRead More

How Can I Learn to Stick With My Goals?

If you struggle with your mental health or addiction, setting goals is an integral part of recovery. While setting goals is a great activity, learning to stick with those goals is even more important. Here are a few tips for learning how to stick with the goals you have set for yourself. Write Them DownRead More

6 Ways to Increase Hope in Recovery

Recovery can be a fantastic time in your life, filled with highs and lows, challenges and successes. While recovery is thought of as incredibly positive, sometimes, recovery can be challenging. It can feel as if you are constantly running uphill, and you just cannot catch your breath. There might be days that you do notRead More

Building Your Self-Esteem in Recovery

Working to have healthy self-esteem during recovery is essential. If you are someone who struggles with your self-esteem, know that you are not alone. Low self-esteem is a common problem that many people need to work on and better understand. Often when someone struggles with self-esteem issues, a lot is going on beneath that struggleRead More

5 Tips to Help You Make Decisions With Confidence

Having the ability to make decisions that you feel comfortable with and are confident in is a remarkable ability to have. Often when someone struggles with addiction or mental health issues, making confident decisions can be difficult for them. Learning to trust your ability to make positive and productive decisions about which you can feelRead More

Can Living a Slower Lifestyle Help My Mental Health?

We live in a very fast-paced society, one that often glamorizes and praises being constantly busy. Learning that you do not need to be constantly doing something is a learning process. It can take time to learn and realize that for some people, living a slower-paced life can help their overall well-being. If you areRead More

Why Having Fun Is Important for Your Mental Health

Many people find themselves experiencing busy and hectic days. Whether you are working, attending school, focusing on goals, or developing skills, you are focused on moving forward. So often, people forget that having fun or doing activities they enjoy is essential for mental health. You do not always need to be working or gaining skills.Read More

6 Facts to Know About Sobriety

If you have begun your recovery journey, you have probably noticed that sobriety can be awesome. Facing an active addiction was probably one of the hardest things you have ever done. You put in the effort and learned more about your mental health. Now you get to enjoy the pleasure of sobriety and living theRead More

What Do I Do if I Have Extreme Anxiety?

Anxiety can feel all-consuming. It is a mental health issue that can easily affect every area of a person’s life if not worked on and understood. If you are struggling with extreme anxiety, know that you are not alone. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind as you begin your journey of recoveryRead More