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What We Should Know About Fentanyl

It is scary thinking about losing a loved one to an overdose. However, as the saying goes, “With knowledge comes power.” Educating yourself on fentanyl and how it could affect your loved ones is an invaluable tool that can be used to encourage treatment and support when necessary. What Is Fentanyl? According to the NationalRead More

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States. It is also one of the most dangerous. Casual drinking can easily turn into dependence, with many people unaware they have a problem until it’s too late. Alcohol Addiction Risk Factors According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), aRead More

How Substance Use Disorder Affects Our Personality

At The Guest House, we know that substance use often starts as a way to feel a sense of pleasure that might feel impossible to grasp otherwise. However, when your substance use becomes a compulsion, it becomes more difficult to find yourself within it. In active addiction, your every action is motivated by feeding thatRead More

Is Adventure Therapy Just for Adolescents?

Adventure therapy is a treatment method that was originally created to help adolescents with behavioral problems and addictions. In recent years, adventure therapy has been receiving renewed interest for both adolescents and adults alike. What Is Adventure Therapy? According to the Washington State Institute for Public Policy, adventure therapy (also known as wilderness therapy) includesRead More

Balancing Work and Recovery

Seeking treatment is an important part of your recovery and your long-term healing. However, you still have responsibilities you need to maintain, like work, school, and parenting. Moreover, these life responsibilities come with some level of stress, which can be taxing on your recovery. How Stress Impacts Substance Use Disorder According to an article fromRead More

The Effects of Stress on Recovery

Stress can be a normal and healthy part of life. Common examples of life stressors might include the week of your deadline for that big project at work, or feeling worried about getting your kids ready in time for the school bus after you overslept. The initial effects of stress usually go away once youRead More

Defining Triggers and What They Mean

You have likely heard people online, in shows, or maybe even some people you know use the word “trigger” causally. Someone might say, “It really triggers me when my neighbor’s friends parks in my driveway.” What they really mean is it annoys, frustrates, or makes them angry when their neighbor does not respect their space.Read More

How to Identify Adoption Trauma

There is no universal definition of trauma. Therefore, a source of trauma many do not consider is adoption trauma. You may question how you could have adoption trauma, even if you have a wonderful relationship with your adoptive family. At The Guest House, we know trauma can come in the form of lost identity. WhileRead More

How Childhood Attachment Trauma Can Harm Adult Relationships

Do you find it difficult to trust people? Are you afraid the people in your life are going to leave you? Does it feel difficult to build and maintain relationships? While everyone’s experiences are different, the trauma you experience in your childhood can have a direct effect on the relationships you form in adulthood. WhatRead More

The Importance of Breathwork in Recovery

Stress and anxiety often manifest in our bodies. When you feel anxious, you may notice some physical symptoms like shaking, dry mouth, or difficulty catching your breath. Further, stressful situations can make it more difficult to regulate your breathing, as your body goes into fight-or-flight mode. Therefore, when emotional and mental regulation is difficult, weRead More