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Starting the day with gratitude can set the tone for the rest of the day while creating a foundation of mindfulness.

Be grateful you’ve woken up: Waking up is never a guarantee. While that may seem morbid and pessimistic, it is also realistic. Everyday we wake up and have an opportunity to live a whole new day is a blessing and a gift. We may feel burdened by having to endure another set of hours until we can sleep again, but we can realize we are graced with the ability to live today.Check your body and find gratitude for everything that’s working: Our heart is beating, our lungs are pumping, and everything seems to be in working order- that is something to be grateful for. Doing a body scan practice in the morning can help connect us to our body, practice mindfulness, reduce the stress of a brand new day, and find gratitude. From head to toe, we have plenty to be grateful for.Bed? Roof? Food in the fridge? It’s a great day: We woke up somewhere safe and warm, we have the ability to eat a first meal- life is good. Gratitude can help us focus on the simple things that we often take for granted.Have a busy schedule today? Be grateful for that. Life gets full in recovery, which is better than what we used to be full of- pain, struggle, suffering, and anguish. We have the chance to rise to the challenge of living through a full dayDon’t have a busy schedule today? Be grateful for that, too: Sometimes we can feel uncomfortable when we have too much time on our hands, especially in early recovery. We might experience some restlessness, irritability, and discontent. Learning how to just sit and be with ourselves takes time. Practice self-care on these days are realize what a wonderful opportunity it is to learn to have a relationship with yourself.

You can live life with confidence. Everyone has a story before they come to treatment. When you arrive at The Guest House Ocala, you arrive to open, welcoming arms. Our treatment programs are customized concierge style to meet your every unique need in order to heal from trauma, addictions, and other related mental health issues. Call us today for information on life at the estate: 1-855-483-7800