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anorexia athletica“Anorexia athletica” is a  type of eating disorder that primarily affects athletes. People with anorexia athletica take in a limited number of calories despite a high level of physical activity. This behavior typically results in a very lean body mass and low weight. We often associate athletes with excellent health because of the amount of exercise and activity they do. However, an eating disorder such as anorexia athletica can be dangerous. Here are a few common symptoms of anorexia athletica.

Limited Calorie Intake

Like individuals suffering from anorexia nervosa, those suffering from anorexia athletica may limit the number of calories they allow themselves to eat each day. Low caloric intake can lead to low energy, fatigue, irritability, and even dizziness.

High Physical Activity

It is common for those with anorexia athletica to perform high levels of physical activity. This activity could present itself as exercise, training, or competition. You will probably notice that thoughts and actions get consumed with doing and thinking about physical activities, training, or competing.

Focus on Performance

For those suffering from anorexia athletica, restrictive diets and excessive exercise are often performance-driven. There are typically other concerns present in those very focused on the performance of a sport as well. If you have someone close to you suffering from anorexia athletica, you will probably also notice perfectionistic tendencies and a constant need to improve their performance. When these extreme behaviors result in successful physical activities, it tends to reinforce unhealthy habits.

Physical Complications

In women, limited food intake and high physical activity levels can affect their menstrual cycles and eventually a lack of periods altogether. This indicates malnutrition that will begin to damage internal organs and bodily functioning. Eating disorders often include comorbidities, such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or body dysmorphic disorder. Working with a medical provider or mental health professional is vital to understand what is going on within your body and in your mind.

Anorexia athletica is a dangerous eating disorder that often affects athletes. It can become life-consuming and lead to physical and mental harm if not addressed and treated. If you notice that you or a loved one are focused on restricting calories, engaging in high levels of physical activity, and a compulsive need to improve performance quickly, it can indicate the presence of an eating disorder. Eating disorders can lead to dangerous physical and mental health complications. Here at The Guest House, we understand that acknowledging you have a problem is hard. It can be challenging to accept that what you are doing may not be good for you. We are here to help. Call us today to learn more about how we can help you work through challenges ahead of you at (855) 483-7800.