Successful therapy hinges on a healthy relationship between therapist and client. The relationship you have with your therapist will directly impact how each session proceeds.
Everyone is facing different challenges and reaching for individual goals. For that reason, what you need from your therapist may be different than what your loved one needs from their therapist. If you are beginning to wonder if your therapist is right for you, consider the following points.
You Feel Respected
Feeling respected is a significant component of a healthy relationship with your therapist. When you feel respected, you will feel understood and listened to.
Opening up to a therapist can at times feel difficult, awkward, and strange. However, when you know that your therapist respects what you have to say, you will feel more comfortable opening up and will have more effective sessions.
You Agree on Goals
If you are struggling with mental health issues or addiction, setting goals can be a very beneficial and powerful aspect of therapy. It is essential that you and your therapist agree on the best goals for you to work towards.
If you find yourself working towards goals that your therapist does not fully support, you could quickly start to resent therapy and stop making progress. You should feel like an equal with your therapist. The therapist’s role is to help you learn to work through your own struggles.
The Work Feels Valuable and Effective
It is crucial that you feel like you are working towards something valuable and that your hard work in therapy is effective. Therapy takes time and effort. Everyone moves at their own pace, so your progress may not align with others you know who are in therapy. However, it is always important to feel like what you are putting effort into is valuable and worthwhile.
The relationship between client and therapist is a crucial one. Without a healthy relationship, it can be challenging to make progress. Everyone is facing unique struggles and reaching for specific goals. Learning what you need from your therapist in order to move forward is the best way to determine if your therapist is right for you. Here at The Guest House, we understand that the process of reaching out for professional help with mental health issues can be scary and hard. We are here to help you feel confident in your choice of therapist and to reach your goals. Call us today at (855) 483-7800.