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Seeking help for addiction or a mental health disorder can be frightening. It is a huge step to acknowledge that you need help and then to actually ask for it. For many people, the thought of participating in a residential treatment program is terrifying. You will be in a new environment and working through difficult emotions and behaviors. Know that you are not alone in these worries. Here are a few ways you can begin the process of overcoming your fears of residential treatment and begin to feel more confident as you start your journey towards healing.

Ask Questions

When you have an idea of what residential treatment will be like, you will probably feel more confident and ready to start treatment. The unknown is frightening to most people. It is perfectly normal to feel nervous about treatment, especially if you have never been in residential treatment before. As you reach out to facilities, ask questions. Write down your concerns and work through those concerns before heading into your first day of treatment.

Talk With Your Loved Ones

If you feel nervous about seeking professional help, consider turning towards your loved ones for support. They know you the best. They will be able to help you process what you are fearful of and talk through the process of seeking help. Surround yourself with people you feel comfortable and safe with — people that you feel you can talk with openly about emotionally challenging topics. Having people to talk openly with will help you as you work through treatment and recovery.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

Acknowledging your feelings will help you prepare to take the big step into residential treatment. You are probably feeling a mixture of many different emotions for various reasons. Take time to think about what you are feeling, and talk with a mental health professional about those feelings. When you can acknowledge what you are experiencing, you can begin to work through those feelings.

Almost everyone gets nervous about participating in residential treatment. Try to acknowledge all of your feelings so you can begin to understand and work through them. You may also find comfort in surrounding yourself with loved ones and asking all of the questions you are worried about. Here at The Guest House, we understand that beginning residential treatment can feel scary. We are here to answer all of your questions and support you every step of your recovery journey. Call us today to learn more about our treatment options at (855) 483-7800.