When you have survived trauma, you may find it hard to talk about. If you write about it, you can let your paper and pen do the talking. Writing about your trauma can be a therapeutic way to release the thoughts that have been troubling you, and it can let others know they are not alone, as well.
Take Time
When you first write about your traumatic experience, it might be very hard to write, as you have to be able to capture the details. Do not force yourself to get all of your thoughts together in one day. You also do not have to write about it as soon as the traumatic event happens.
You may be afraid that your thoughts will not be fresh about your experience the longer you wait, but traumatic memories tend to be so strong that you should still be able to remember. It is often best to give yourself a couple of months before you start writing about it, to be better able to process your emotions.
Find Your Purpose
Do not write for the purpose of being published—you do not want to end up omitting certain details, out of fear that you will make your audience uncomfortable. This is your true traumatic experience that you are writing about, and you do not want to hold back. The first time you tell a story, you want to write it for yourself.
You do not have to show anyone, if you are not ready. If you feel confident about your story, then feel free to share it to an audience, with some edits.
Write Slowly
Instead of rushing through the process to get this work done, take a breather and give it time. Try writing for fifteen minutes a day to make the process as natural as possible. If it becomes too hard to write as you uncover all of these memories, do not be afraid to step away. You can take a few days off if you are feeling overwhelmed, since things tend to look better the next day.
Speak to a Mental Health Professional
Writing about a traumatic experience can be traumatizing in itself. If you do not already have a therapist, reach out for one. Your therapist can help you find meaning and understanding about your experience that you may not be aware of. Writing about your trauma can help you heal over time.
Writing about your trauma can be the first step towards healing. Seeking help from a therapist can ensure you continue on that path. The Guest House provides treatment for trauma-based addiction and mental illness. Our programs are open to men and women over the age of 18, and can include breath work, equine therapy, art therapy, grief therapy, cinema therapy mindfulness, individualized and group therapy, and more. For more information, please call us today at (855) 876-3884.