Many people in recovery from trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) seek professional treatment to learn coping mechanisms for trauma. Some common coping skills that you may learn from a recovery program include:
- Deep Breathing: Deep breathing is something that most of us can do at any time to cope with anxiety or panic, in the moment. Some types of deep breathing practices, such as transformative breathwork are more comprehensive and can be integrated into your recovery program.
- Diversionary Activities: Any activity that turns your focus to something outside of your thoughts can help cope with trauma. Diversionary activities can include hobbies, like puzzles and crafts, or physical activities, like going for a walk or jog. Some diversionary activities are used in recovery programs, like art, music, or cinema therapy.
- Mindfulness: The practice of mindfulness keeps us engaged in the moment when our thoughts begin to disengage us from the here and now.
- Journaling: Writing out our thoughts can help us make sense of our emotions and feelings. Sometimes, things are confusing when we try to work problems out in our heads. Writing things out helps separate ourselves from our thoughts. Daily journaling can also help you keep track of your recovery progress and your symptoms.
- Social Support: Talking things out with a trusted friend or counselor can help us feel better, as we feel validated for our feelings when others listen.
Coping mechanisms like these are things that we can do every day to help us in our recovery. Many of these strategies are available to most of us right now. Keep these coping skills in mind as you begin your recovery journey!
Managing symptoms of trauma and PTSD can be difficult. Some coping skills can help in the moment, yet we may feel that we need more comprehensive help for our symptoms. We may not know what to do or what treatment options are available to us. Some coping skills may be helpful; however, sometimes we feel overwhelmed and we need professional help to best recover from our symptoms. The Guest House offers a variety of therapeutic approaches to teach our guests coping skills that work for them. We focus on an individualized approach, offering an array of different therapies for those suffering from trauma or PTSD. Call us today at (855) 484-7800 to begin your path of healing from trauma!