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What Is a Healthy Conversation?

Daily communication is rarely as simple as it seems. Miscommunications can occur, emotions can affect what is being said, and not being fully present can create issues as well.

Being able to have healthy, effective communication with others is a necessity in recovery. Not doing so can lead you to continuously experience triggering situations that can put your sobriety at risk. Learning how you can have healthy communication with others around you — no matter who they are — can help you to mitigate triggers while also fostering safe dynamics and relationships for yourself.

Consider Your Goals

What is your aim or goal of the conversation? What do you want the other person to understand about you? Being able to answer these questions for yourself can give you a better idea of how to begin the conversation. When you are able to define your objectives clearly, you can begin planning out what you want to say and how you want to say it.

Use “I” Statements

Considering your word choice when in conversation with others is incredibly important. Doing so can ensure that you are being as respectful and thorough as possible.

One way to do this is by using “I” statements such as saying things like:

  • I feel sad when you multitask while I tell you about my day
  • I feel uncomfortable when you drink alcohol around me
  • Even though drinking alcohol is safe for you, I feel unsafe being around alcohol

By using “I” statements, the person you are speaking to does not feel attacked or accused. Instead, the focus of the conversation is about how you feel, not about their mistake or behavior.

Tune Into Your Body

In conversations, emotions can quickly take over and shift the dynamic of the conversation into something that is no longer safe and healthy. In order to prevent your emotions from taking over, be aware of your body. Do you feel warm? Does your stomach feel upset? Are your teeth clenched? Are your shoulders hunched?

How your body feels can let you know how you are feeling emotionally. When you are able to identify your emotions midconversation, you can prevent yourself from saying things you might regret later.

Having healthy conversations in your everyday life is vital for your recovery. To create healthy conversations, try considering your goals, using “I” statements, and tuning into your body. At The Guest House, we know that being able to have healthy conversations helps improve your mental health and supports your recovery. If you need assistance with this process, we have trained staff members who are here to help. To begin learning ways to engage in healthy, effective conversations, call us today at (855) 483-7800.