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Will My Trauma Ever End?


Reliving the past day in and day out can be grueling if you feel you have no way out. All of the horrific memories that hold you back cannot be eliminated with the blink of an eye, although you may wish you could make that happen. You may want nothing more than to erase your trauma so that you can move on as your remembrance of the past will continue. Dealing with your trauma retrospection with introspection could prove to be a breakthrough in your daily life and your addiction recovery.

Understand Your Triggers Before They Set You Off

Everyone’s trauma is different, but the things that can provoke the anguish of your trauma should be identified. Knowing what can set you off beforehand can give you the ability to soothe yourself amidst a panic attack or during a manic episode. Triggers for trauma can be loud noises, sights, smells, or thoughts that lead you back to the incident.

Amid a trigger, your body will exhibit a fight-or-flight response and put your senses in high alert. To prevent this from occurring, understanding what the general triggers of trauma are ahead of time can help you to cope when they begin to happen to you.

Get Help Instead of Feeling Trapped.

Freezing up is another response to trauma that could leave you believing there is no way out of your pain. Fear and anxiety can cause high emotions such as crying, screaming, lashing out, or wanting to isolate to not deal with anything altogether. When this happens, drugs and alcohol may be used as a means to cope. The best thing you can do to get out from under your trauma is to seek treatment to move forward in sobriety and alleviate your trauma.

Trauma may not always go away completely, and the main goal is to keep the pain from taking over your life. You were meant to live a fulfilling life every single day. The good news is that you have a solution to thrive in your recovery if you stop focusing on what is wrong with you and start looking at what happened to you.

At The Guest House Ocala, our recovery programs include many experiential modalities, including traditional therapy, conscious connected breathwork, equine therapy, somatic experiencing, art in healing, grief therapy, mindfulness, and other forms of therapy. Call (855) 372-1079 today for more information.