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Coronavirus May Trigger Past Trauma


For those who currently have trauma or any other mental health issues, the coronavirus health crisis could be making those issues worse. Watching the news or social media coverage can present us with images of tragedy, suffering, and loss. Because we have no idea when this pandemic will end, it is important to do something about your trauma now.

Obstacles COVID-19 Can Bring to a Person’s Trauma

Shutdowns and other changes during the pandemic have caused people to hurt financially, and many people have become unemployed. The loss of money or a job can trigger people who have dealt with these types of problems when they were younger. This can bring about fear of going back to that time of when you were struggling financially.

Just when things were going right for you, a virus that comes out of nowhere brings these negative memories back. Another trigger could be grief, since statistics have shown over 120,000 people have died from this virus in the United States.

Someone could feel grief over the normalcy they are losing, like the loss of their routine, job, school, friends, physical contact, and the deaths of friends and family. Not being able to process these emotions or cope safely can lead to mental breakdowns and depression. It is hard to deal with the trauma of losing someone to COVID-19 when it is still ongoing.

Why It Is Hard for Trauma Survivors to Feel Safe

Social distancing rules are making it hard for trauma survivors to get closure through funerals or other ceremonies if only 10 people are allowed to be together at a time. This can bring about certain experiences where they could not find closure or where the recovery process is slower than normal.

Many of us also tend to lean on others for emotional support when grieving to feel safe and loved. Even though we have the technology to speak to one another from far away, it is not the same as receiving a hug from someone.

How to Get Through the Trauma

Pay close attention to your thought patterns when you feel like panicking. Start a journal and write down if you are feeling anything abnormal to identify how new circumstances are making you feel. Develop a self-soothing tool like exercising or listening to your favorite music. You can also explore remote therapy options with your counselor who specializes in trauma. It is important to take control of your trauma during COVID-19 to feel better once quarantine is over.

The pandemic may be causing trauma to resurface, so it is important to get help if you are feeling these effects. Located in Silver Springs, FL outside the peaceful city of Ocala, The Guest House provides personalized treatments for addiction and mental illness caused by trauma. Our programs are open to men and women over the age of 18, and can include art therapy, grief therapy, breath work, equine therapy, cinema therapy mindfulness, individualized and group therapy, and more. Call us today at (855) 876-3884 to learn more about how we can help.