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Social Drinking vs. Alcohol Dependence

Social drinking and alcohol dependence are two distinct concepts. While social drinking can be enjoyed by many individuals in moderation, alcohol dependence is an issue of serious health and social concern. Understanding the differences between social drinking and alcohol dependence is essential to addressing the issue of problem drinking. Defining Social Drinking Social drinking isRead More

Symptoms and Timeline of Cocaine Withdrawal

Cocaine withdrawal is a notoriously intense and uncomfortable process. It involves a wide range of physical and psychological symptoms and a lengthy timeline. Because cocaine is a powerful stimulant, it is difficult to stop using the drug without experiencing some form of withdrawal. While this process can be uncomfortable, it is a necessary step forRead More

What Is the Difference Between Nervousness and Anxiety?

Nervousness is often conflated with anxiety. Though these two concepts overlap, they aren’t the same. For starters, nervousness is an emotion; anxiety is the term for a category of mental health disorders characterized by excessive worry and nervousness. Emotions are normal parts of life. The differences go much deeper than this, however. In this blog,Read More

How Do I Learn to Love Myself in Recovery?

You are in a place of growth and change. When you struggled with addiction, you experienced what you did not want your life to look like. Now that you are in recovery, you can reflect on the life you have dreamt about. You have figured out how to navigate this world in recovery and haveRead More

What Does Risk Analysis in Recovery Look Like?

When you’re first in recovery, you might need to change your old patterns to maintain your sobriety. That doesn’t mean giving up everything from your old life, though. You can use risk analysis to help determine when, where, and how you will engage with people and places. Understanding Risk Analysis in Recovery Risk analysis inRead More

Why We Should Seek Others to Treat Our Mental Health

The discussion of mental health is often avoided, as many individuals view mental health issues as a sign of weakness or a burden to those around them. However, this is a misconception that must be addressed. Mental health is an important part of everyone’s well-being. Problems with mental health can manifest in a variety ofRead More

What Your Anxiety Is Trying to Tell You

Anxiety gets a lot of attention these days. Not only does it take center stage in regular discussions of overall world mental health, but it also takes a lot of our focus. Why shouldn’t it? Anxiety has a nagging way of making itself the center of our attention. It raises our heart rate uncontrollably andRead More

How Can I Challenge My Cognitive Distortions?

Cognitive distortions can occur as a result of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Given the commonality of this issue, it’s important to find effective ways to challenge these thoughts. Luckily, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) have provided a variety of effective tools for challenging cognitive distortion. Let’s look at threeRead More

How Can Music Therapy Help Me in Recovery?

Your day at work was bad. The deadlines were missed, and the coffee was spilled. You just want to go home. The walk from the office to your vehicle seems so long that when you open the car door, you breathe a long sigh. Your favorite song comes on, and you are instantly revived. YouRead More

What to Look For in a Treatment Center

When evaluating a drug or alcohol treatment center, the most important thing to consider is the program itself. Everybody has different needs in daily life, and everyone has different needs when getting addiction treatment. Studies have shown that inpatient treatment dramatically increases the odds of continued recovery. Which treatment facility you select should be basedRead More