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Trying Group Therapy When You Have Social Anxiety

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), experiencing anxiety occasionally is a normal part of life. You may experience a spike in anxiety during tests or when you make big life decisions like moving to a new state or country. Anxiety is a part of your fight or flight response and,Read More

Breathwork for Beginners

The breath can be one of the most healing tools one can have for mental health and addiction recovery. If you’re unsure how to start incorporating this tool into your journey, don’t worry. There are different types of breathwork for beginners that will help you create your own practice. What Exactly Is “Breathwork”? Breathing isRead More

Establish Trust With My Parents as an Alumni

The people who are the closest to you have suffered with you in your addiction. The emotional impact that addiction leaves behind can create estranged relationships within families. It may not only be difficult for you to learn how to establish trust but also hard for others who are involved to be trusting. You knowRead More

Addiction Recovery and Healthy Choices

When you’re in recovery, making healthy choices is more important than ever. Even though it may seem intimidating at first, creating a wellness plan can help you navigate your recovery journey in a much easier way. The more you incorporate wellness practices into your day, the better you will feel. Healthy Choices in Recovery Recovery,Read More

New Year: Realistic Resolutions

It is that time of year when you may be thinking of areas of your life you want to change. You may have goals like running a marathon, getting married, or learning a different language. How often do you follow through with achieving your New Year’s goals? At times, goals can become unrealistic expectations dueRead More

Caring for Your Mental Health During Collective Trauma

Everyone is impacted by stress to some degree in their daily lives. Some stress is healthy because it motivates you to challenge yourself and grow, like the stress of a first date or changing jobs. On the other hand, prolonged or chronic stress can have a devastating impact on your well-being. According to Medline Plus,Read More