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5 Ways to Eliminate “Stinking Thinking”

If you have ever attended a 12-Step meeting, you have likely heard the phrase “stinking thinking.” You may have been puzzled as to what that phrase has to do with you or what it means exactly. The basic meaning is that it is easy to get caught up in negative thought processes and jump toRead More

Strategies for Breaking Free From Self-Destructive Patterns

Everyone forms healthy and unhealthy habits throughout their lives. For example, you may be good at following a healthy sleep routine but you tend to take on too many hours and or extra projects at work. You may have some unhealthy habits, but those behavioral expressions, like biting your nails, are not typically destructive. However,Read More

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder and Getting a Diagnosis

Bipolar disorder is a complex disease that affects the lives of millions of Americans each day. Unfortunately, it can be tricky to get a proper diagnosis. Many people even go undiagnosed for years or are misdiagnosed with a different condition. However, living a happy life with this disorder is possible. Recognizing the symptoms of bipolarRead More

Is Spirit2Spirit Healing Right for Me?

Trauma, emotional difficulties, and external pressures can all contribute to addiction, depression, and many other conditions. At The Guest House, our Spirit2Spirit Healing program focuses on treating these underlying causes, which we often call “soul wounds.” Is Spirit2Spirit Healing right for you and your journey at this time? Spirit2Spirit Healing The Guest House’s co-founder, JudyRead More

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health Recovery

Everywhere you look, people are on their phones. Quite often, these people are scrolling or posting pictures on social media. This behavior has become the new normal in society. There are many positive aspects of this trend. However, unfortunately, along with social media comes social comparison. Whether or not they admit it, people tend toRead More

Understanding Emotional Eating and How to Heal

Stress and negative emotions can quickly take a toll on a person when they don’t have a healthy way to cope. Emotional eating is a common way that people deal with anger, sadness, anxiety, and depression. This coping mechanism can come with many negative side effects, making it important to address the situation head-on. WhatRead More

How Does Somatic Therapy Help Heal Depression Symptoms?

When it comes to addiction and mental health recovery, there is no one “right” way to go about it. A wide range of tools is necessary to help you find the methods that work best for you. The Guest House is a cutting-edge center that uses a distinctive blend of both traditional and experiential, orRead More

What Is Drug-Induced Psychosis?

Substance abuse is a vicious cycle that can impact nearly every area of a person’s life. The most common side effects are mental health conditions, dangerous withdrawal symptoms, and financial instability. Drug-induced psychosis is another severe result of addiction. For individuals experiencing this condition, it’s crucial to find help as soon as possible. Psychosis PsychosisRead More

The Impact of the News on Mental Health and Trauma Recovery

The 24-hour news media cycle makes it difficult to ignore negative events going on in the world. The impact of the news can be especially harmful to an individual in mental health or trauma recovery. With the right tools, you can find relief from this type of stress and enjoy success in your healing journey.Read More