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How to Create New Connections in Recovery

When you were in the throes of addiction, you may have spent your time with friends who did not have your best interests at heart. Now that you’re in recovery, you can begin to create new connections with supportive peers. Even though it may seem intimidating, forming new bonds with positive people will go aRead More

Leaning Into Loving Yourself in Recovery

Love comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms and is worth exploring. To be sure, loving yourself will look different depending on the unique person you are. One idea for loving yourself is to celebrate the love you have for yourself this Valentine’s Day. While you should be loving yourself daily, this can be theRead More

Finding Yourself Again Through Recovery

Even though many people lose their sense of self through addiction, finding yourself again is possible. You can re-discover your purpose and passion for life with a little dedication and the right support. Losing Yourself in Addiction When so much of your life is dedicated to substances, it’s easy to lose your sense of self.Read More

The Synergy of Somatic Experiencing and OCD Recovery

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), in the United States in a given year, an estimated 1.2% of adults have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Despite millions of people facing challenges, OCD recovery is impaired by the significant number of people who go untreated each year. As Mental Health America (MHA) notes, only 54.7%Read More

How Can I Learn to Accept the Things I Cannot Change?

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.” If you have ever attended a 12-Step program meeting, you may have heard this passage. Have you wondered what exactly about these words brings comfort to so manyRead More

How Do I Beat Boredom in Recovery?

Figuring out how to beat boredom can be challenging, especially if you’re in recovery. When you were in active addiction, you were likely busy a lot of the time. Now that you’re in recovery, you may feel you have too much free time. It is that time of year when it gets colder and darker,Read More

Creating Safety in the Body for Trauma Recovery

Trauma can have lasting effects on the body, both seen and unseen. Feeling unsafe in your body is common, and this can lead to self-destructive patterns and unhealthy coping mechanisms. To begin the process of healing trauma, creating safety in the body is key. Trauma and Body Memory Trauma can live as energy in theRead More

Sticking With New Year’s Goals in Recovery

It’s easy to make New Year’s goals and resolutions, but it’s hard to actually stick with them. Instead of shaming yourself for falling off a new routine, this year may be the time to do something different. Creating realistic goals, having a strong support network, and practicing self-compassion can all go a long way asRead More

How Does Self-Care Relate to Recovery?

The process of rebuilding a life that has been affected by substance use disorder (SUD) can be overwhelming and cause an intense amount of stress. This is where self-care comes in. Understandably, you may wonder: How does self-care relate to recovery? Self-care is related to recovery because positive coping mechanisms and self-awareness can help youRead More

How Do I Practice Mindfulness in Recovery Among Chaos?

Mindfulness can seem like an abstract term, but it is a practice anyone can engage in to feel better. At times, it is easy to get caught up in the chaos of daily life, which can increase anxiety. Learning to practice mindfulness techniques can decrease anxiety and stress. What’s more, mindfulness practices can help youRead More