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What Causes Disordered Eating?

It is not uncommon for people to experience complicated relationships with food. Oftentimes, eating disorders and/or disordered eating are associated with purging or starvation. However, these experiences are very complex and vary between clients. Eating habits vary across clients and, regardless of the relationship with food, all eating disorders and disordered eating habits are valid.Read More

What Are Holistic Treatments, and How Do They Address Mental Health?

According to an article from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), more than one in five, or 57.8 million adults in the United States have a mental health disorder. Despite how many people in the U.S. are impacted by mental health conditions, there are still numerous misconceptions about what having and living with aRead More

How Can I Be a Better Parent in Recovery?

You have made it this far in your healing journey and that is something to celebrate. It takes courage and bravery to prioritize your recovery and put everything else aside. Now that you are facing life newly sober, you may be struggling with how to be a better parent in recovery. You are not aloneRead More

Did I Inherit Addiction?

If you struggle with addiction, it is natural to wonder where it came from. You might wonder if you learned the behavior or inherited genes that made you more likely to have issues with addiction in your life. While addiction is complex, the simple answer is yes. Your genetics do play a role, and youRead More

The Benefits of Addiction Treatment in Florida

Many people feel uncomfortable in hospitals or offices because it feels stuffy, sterile, cold, and uninviting. Maybe you felt cooped up in an office without any windows and felt relieved the moment you stepped outside. Moreover, your physical environment can cause changes in mood that can potentially impede recovery. At The Guest House, we believeRead More

Why Is Dual Diagnosis So Common?

Dual diagnosis is extremely common for those struggling with substance use disorder (SUD). When SUD co-occurs with another condition, it’s important to get the right treatment to find comprehensive relief. What Is Dual Diagnosis? When you have a mental health disorder and SUD at the same time, this is known as a dual diagnosis. AccordingRead More

How Does an Alumni Program Improve Recovery?

Life after addiction treatment comes with its challenges. After the work you do in treatment, you will have to adjust back to everyday life with a personal drive to continue recovery. An alumni program is a wonderful tool that can support and keep you accountable for lifelong success. Support for Long-Term Recovery Addiction is consideredRead More

How Can Residential Treatment Help Me Create a Routine?

Developing healthy habits and routines is absolutely crucial when you’re in recovery. Unfortunately, creating and maintaining these habits can be difficult. Residential treatment is a great option to help you stay on track and develop the balanced lifestyle needed to break the cycle of addiction. How Are Habits Formed? According to NIH News in Health,Read More

Why Hasn’t Addiction Treatment Worked for Me?

Even though millions of people struggle with substance use disorder (SUD), many are unable to find addiction treatment that works. Fortunately, comprehensive and diverse treatment is seeing a rise in popularity, allowing people to find more suitable methods. Low Treatment Attendance Data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) 2020 National SurveyRead More