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If you have a history of trauma or mental health issues related to trauma, you may have experienced a crisis at some point in your life. You may have been taken to a hospital during a breakdown or those around you might have strongly encouraged treatment. If you have experienced a crisis, we hope that this was your lowest point and that you only move forward and upward from here. Often, a crisis makes you aware of what you need and you can finally get the help that you need. However, you can still find some peace of mind by having a plan in the event of another crisis or breakdown.

Planning for a crisis does not mean that they are inevitable. In fact, planning what to do in case of a crisis can help you better understand your triggers and actually help you prevent a crisis or breakdown. Do you know what your triggers are? What makes you the most upset? Be sure to have a plan for how to manage these triggers. 

When planning for a crisis, you want to include a description of yourself when things are going well. You also want to have a description of yourself when things are going poorly. You can share this information with your support system to help you stay on track. They might be able to catch you before things get worse. While you are planning, be sure to include the names of your support team members and a means of contacting them in case things go wrong. 

During your struggle with trauma and related mental health issues, you may have experienced something similar to a breakdown or a crisis. While you are in treatment, draft a plan for what to do in the event of a crisis. By planning for a crisis, you can have a better understanding of how to prevent one from occurring. You want to be sure to understand what triggered your previous breakdown. As you go through treatment, you may learn new coping skills for these triggers; include these coping skills with your plan. Make sure that you have a support system to contact that can keep an eye on you during your recovery, especially during early recovery when you will be the most vulnerable. If you are currently struggling with your emotions due to trauma, help is here for you. The Guest House can help you learn effective means of managing your symptoms of trauma. We can teach you coping mechanisms to use in your life. Call us today at (855) 483-7800.