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burnoutWorking from home is something that has become common for many individuals over the past year. It is something that has the potential to have many benefits and luxuries. You may find yourself saving money on gas, lunch expenses, and wear on your vehicle. With those benefits also come disadvantages and challenges. Learning new routines can be hard and even stressful for some individuals. 

If you find yourself unable to work through your stress, seeking help from a mental health professional may be beneficial. While you seek further assistance, here are a few tips to avoiding burnout while working from home. 

Maintain Normal Hours

Working from home gives the luxury of skipping your dreaded commute to and from work. For some individuals, this can save a great amount of time and energy and reduce stress. However, it can be easy to tack that extra time onto work. If not cautious, you could find yourself working a good deal more from home than you did before in an office or work location. Maintain your hours so that you gain that extra time for loved ones or activities. 

Take Breaks

Take your breaks. Get up, walk around, get some water. Just because you are at home and probably more comfortable does not mean you should skip your breaks. 

Get Ready in the Morning

It is so easy to just roll out of bed and start working. Try to separate your home life from your work life. Try to do the same routine as when you did not work from home. 

Create Starting and Ending Transitions

Many people find it difficult to stop working when working from home. This may look like constantly checking emails, moving your laptop to the living room to keep working, or taking calls through dinner. This leads to many more hours worked than what is probably expected. Try to have transitions to and from work, just like your commute used to be. Figure out what works best for you. It may take some trial and error until you find that perfect routine for you, and that is perfectly okay. 


With so many people working from home, many are experiencing new mental health struggles. Learning to separate your home life from your work life when you work at home is difficult and stressful. Many different emotions can surface, making it difficult to understand your needs and feelings. Here at The Guest House, we understand the complexity and challenges so many are facing due to the pandemic. We are here to support you and help you to learn the tools and skills needed to face your unique challenges. Call us today to learn more about our treatment options at (855) 483-7800