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ResiliencyHave you ever taken the time to see the changes in yourself now that you are sober? You would probably be really amazed to view your transformation through someone else’s eyes since you may not be able to see it yourself. The alterations you have made in your lifestyle are genuinely remarkable and have lifted you to higher ground in the process. Drugs and alcohol brought you to a bottom, which could only be solved by changing everything about yourself. Other people are likely blown away by the work you’ve done, even if you’re unaware of the changes yourself.


You bounced back

Addiction takes the lives of people every day, and you were spared for a good reason. Rather than let your consequences hold you back or let your addiction continue to lie to you, you dug deep within to utilize your inner strength. You had no other way to go but up, and you persevered to build more significant connections among your fellows. You faced many defeats because of your addiction, but you did not let your addiction defeat you. That shows resiliency at its finest. 


You modified behavior

The central part of resilience is demonstrated by taking control of your life and doing something different. Choosing to adjust your behaviors will show you that you can pursue positive avenues in recovery. Finally, you can make your behavior something you are proud of. Modifying your way of life cuts out risky conduct in favor of acts that strengthen your sobriety.


You gained confidence

Recovery gives you the gift of becoming more comfortable in your skin. You will no longer have to participate in shady activities to get attention. Instead, you will begin to understand your worth every day, as long as you put your recovery first. By replacing your deceptive life choices with esteemable acts, you can move forward in the surety that you are doing the right thing.


Resiliency is a beautiful word. Instead of thinking that your addiction was the end of your life, view it as an obstacle to overcome. On the other side, you’ll discover a beautiful life, filled with meaning.


At The Guest House Ocala, our recovery programs include many experiential modalities, including traditional therapy, conscious connected breathwork, equine therapy, somatic experiencing, art in healing, grief therapy, mindfulness, and other forms of therapy.

Call 855-372-1079 today for more information.