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What Does Summer Look Like in Recovery?

Entering the summertime can be nerve-wracking as many summer activities involve substance use, particularly alcohol. You may find yourself worried about compromising your sobriety because you still want to engage in fun activities this summer. While this fear is valid, know that you have options that do not involve putting your sobriety at risk.  HowRead More

Should I Ask for a Flexible Work Schedule?

After enduring quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it can make returning to the workplace full-time seem very unattractive. When you worked from home, you may have greatly enjoyed the benefits of work not taking up so much of your life. Learning that the duties of your job do not necessarily require you to beRead More

What Are “Triggers” and How Do They Affect Us?

A word commonly associated with mental health and substance use disorder is “triggers,” but what exactly are they, and how do individuals process them in their thoughts? Simply put, triggers are an automatic response by the brain or body to some stimulus or emotional state. A trigger can be anything from a person, place, smell,Read More

What Does It Mean to Have a “Breakdown”?

It can be common to hear people refer to having “a breakdown” frequently, sometimes in a tongue-in-cheek manner. While “nervous/mental/emotional breakdown” is not a medical or clinical term, experiencing symptoms of any kind is distressing. People can exhibit symptoms that may indicate a mental health problem is out of control or that they require treatment.Read More

Do I Have Insurance Coverage for Mental Health Treatment?

After acknowledging that you need to get help for your mental health issues, it can be tricky to know what to do next. Considering the costs of mental health treatment, you may be frightened that you will not be able to find any affordable options. Even if your insurance does cover mental health, this processRead More

Reconnecting With People During Recovery

After you finish treatment for substance use disorder (SUD), you may be left feeling isolated and as if there was something wrong with you for even seeking treatment. You were courageous to ask for help. Now, you must be courageous in rejoining your life, friends, and family. It is not unusual to experience depression afterRead More

What Are 3 Self-Defeating Habits?

The habits you engage in each day are the choices you make regarding how you spend your time. For example, you may choose to begin your day by eating a nutritious breakfast that helps you feel energized to take on the day. However, sometimes negative habits can sneak into your daily routines. This is aRead More

Why Do We Suppress Needs and Wants?

One response to trauma that is rarely considered is our unwillingness to ask for what we need and want. Honoring our needs and wants and being willing to reach for them is often abandoned when we have experienced trauma. In addition, we can get so caught up in trying to meet everyone else’s needs thatRead More

What Is a Substance Addiction Residential Team?

When considering addiction treatment, you may think of therapists, psychiatrists, and other mental health and medical professionals. Although these individuals play vital roles in your recovery, they are not the only ones who will be important to you. In order to recover successfully, you need a team of caring professionals with diverse skillsets. This typeRead More