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How to Work Through Feeling Unwanted

It is a human desire to want to feel wanted. At our core, we humans are social creatures. We live together not only out of survival but out of desire as well. We all want to feel accepted, liked, and wanted. Regardless of age, belonging is absolutely necessary to maintaining mental health and overall well-being.Read More

How to Navigate the Unexpected

Recovery is not always easy. Living a healthy and sober lifestyle after addiction can have both ups and downs. Some days may feel like more work than others. You will also experience the unexpected throughout your recovery. Being able to work through unexpected situations is very important in maintaining your sobriety and your mental health. Read More

Being More Than Your Diagnosis: Understanding Your Identity

Facing addiction is one of the hardest things many people have to face. Rarely does addiction occur without some other mental health challenge or trauma. When you initially sought treatment for your addiction, you may have received other diagnoses as well, diagnoses such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. These disorders are all things youRead More

The Importance of Giving Back After Recovery

Your recovery has been an amazing journey. You worked hard, faced your fears, took on challenges, and came out on the other side happy and healthy. There were probably moments where you questioned your choices, your path, and those around you. You made it, and now you are living a sober lifestyle. One thing thatRead More

The Importance of Positive Influences

Maintaining your sobriety is probably one of the largest goals in your life. You worked extremely hard to get sober, improve your mental health, and learn healthy coping mechanisms. It was a lot of work and effort. You are now reaping the benefits of that hard work as you journey through a long-term recovery plan. Read More

The Importance of Keeping Your Ego in Check

Our ego is our sense of self-esteem or self-importance. While some people struggle to have enough self-esteem, others need to worry about keeping their ego in line. It is easy to get an inflated ego when we begin to succeed in life, do well in activities, and accomplish hard-to-reach goals. You did a great jobRead More

Remaining Diligent During Recovery

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines the word diligent as “having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.” Being diligent is important in recovery. For many of us, staying diligent is what helps to prevent relapse or poor decision-making. If you are new to recovery and sober living, diligence may take some timeRead More

Healing Through the Arts

The journey through sobriety and addiction is lifelong. We continuously work through trauma, our past, remaining sober, and every other challenge that life throws our way. Even those individuals who are years past their active addiction need to find ways to continuously heal and work through their struggles in an accepting manner. The arts areRead More