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woman-rsting-guesthouseUnderstanding your mind and body is a powerful thing. There is a big difference between “I’m tired” versus “I just do not want to.” Knowing when to let yourself rest is important. However, sometimes we need a little push not to make excuses. If you struggle with your mental health, this can be a very challenging decision to make. Working with a mental health professional is one way to better understand what you are feeling. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself if you are trying to decide whether you should rest or power through.

Have You Enjoyed This Before

Is this an activity you typically enjoy or is this something you always think about pushing back because you honestly do not like doing it? Do you have a mountain of laundry to do because it is your least favorite chore? You may need to power through something like that. We all need a little push sometimes to do the things we do not enjoy.  If you have a mountain of laundry because you are struggling with your mental health, however, then you may need to rest. There is no shame in taking time to focus on healing.

Have You Thought About Your Goal

Remembering what you are working toward may help you determine if you need a little rest. Maybe you have been working very hard to accomplish a particular task, but today you are just exhausted. Take a break. Resting your mind and body will help you as you jump back into those goals in a few days. We all need to step back from what we are striving for sometimes. That does not make you lazy or unfocused. Making sure you are mentally healthy will help you as you journey towards your goals.

Understanding whether you should rest or power through can be hard to distinguish. Sometimes we need to push ourselves to do things we do not fully enjoy. Making excuses is never healthy or productive. However, sometimes our mental health needs us to take a moment to rest. Working closely with a mental health professional will help you to determine when you should learn to rest. We are all different and face unique challenges. Here at The Guest House, we are ready to help you gain the knowledge and skills needed to face your challenges. Call us today to learn more about our treatment options at (855) 483-7800.