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Finding a Safe Place to Address Self-Defeating Behaviors

Once you have completed treatment, it is important to have a long-term plan for continued treatment to continue in recovery and avoid self-defeating behavior. One way to safely identify and overcome self-defeating behavior during recovery is to have solid support systems. Recovery Is a Life-Long Commitment Recovery from substance abuse disorder is not a sprint;Read More

Feeling Burdened After Leaving Treatment and Relapse

Leaving treatment can be scary as you face new and old challenges. There will be people who may judge you for having to be in treatment and some who will believe you have not changed. These challenges will feel especially burdensome as you attempt to navigate your life beyond treatment. Some things to remember areRead More

Identifying Healthy Patterns With Practical Sleeping Habits

If you have a substance use disorder (SUD), it can be common to experience disruptions in your sleep patterns. Even after seeking treatment, you may experience poor sleeping habits due to long-term substance use. Although, there are effective things that you can do to improve the duration and quality of your sleep. Sleep and RecoveryRead More

Why Am I Angry?

Anger is a normal human emotion. Feeling irritable, annoyed, or even enraged isn’t something to worry about. Everyone experiences different levels of anger throughout a day, week, or month. What’s not normal is when anger escalates and becomes uncontrollable. When anger is uncontrollable, it’s not a normal reaction; it’s a problem. Can Anger Be Healthy?Read More

Looking Past Failure While in Recovery

Do you have a tendency to equate failing with a painful ending or a mistake? Sadly, this kind of thinking will set you up to view yourself in a negative way and diminishes your self-esteem. The idea of failure should not be viewed as something negative; instead, failure should be seen as a new beginning.Read More

Do I Have a Co-occurring Disorder?

People with a substance use disorder (SUD) are at a higher risk of having a mental health diagnosis than people without an addiction. When a person has both SUD and a mental health issue, this is called a co-occurring disorder. The severity of substance addiction and mental health disorders can differ from one person toRead More

How Do I Tell My Loved Ones I’m LGTBQ+?

Coming out is an important decision. Telling your friends and loved ones can be the first step to living your best life. Unfortunately, telling people can be very difficult, especially if you’re unsure how everyone will react. If you think you might be ready to come out, here’s a guide to help you share yourRead More

What Are Random Acts of Kindness?

Kindness matters. What you say and do for others can impact their lives. The compliment you gave to a stranger may have made a difference in how they see themselves. No one knows how a small gesture or kind word can change a person’s perspective. Since being kind to someone isn’t that hard, should youRead More

Supporting Mental Health to Help Identify Trauma

Trauma can affect individuals’ mental health in many ways. Trauma is the leading factor that impacts mental health, substance use disorders (SUD), and behavioral issues. It can change how a person views themselves and the world around them. It also affects physical health and one’s overall sense of well-being. How Does Trauma Affect Mental Health?Read More

Understanding the Underlying Issues Connected With Substance Use

Substance use disorders (SUD) often occur with underlying mental health issues. Further, people in pain from trauma or mental health disorders seek out ways to treat themselves and heal their pain using substances. Yet, mental health and substance use disorders can appear together due to shared causes. Therefore, people who actively engage in recovery andRead More