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How Can I Celebrate My Recovery?

After completing treatment, you have arrived at the point where you want to celebrate your accomplishments. You are proud of yourself for letting go of your addiction and continuing to work on yourself. Who you have become during this journey is something to be celebrated. Recovery has many milestones, and each one deserves to beRead More

Why Do People With Anxiety Turn to Horror Movies for Comfort?

Halloween was just last month, and for many people, this meant indulging in scary movies. Being scared (safely and healthily) is an often enjoyable and cathartic experience for many people. This can also be true for those suffering from anxiety. What many people do not know is that scary movies can also help to aidRead More

Coping With Boredom in Recovery

Recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) or any other type of addiction is not easy. Coping with boredom in sober living, new routines, and limited social interactions can be especially challenging for those who have spent much of their life dealing with addiction. Addiction recovery requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. ItRead More

The Media and Personality Disorders: Is the Media Creating Barriers to Treatment?

The media often portrays people with personality disorders as dangerous, erratic, and unpredictable. The creation of this perception is not only wrong but also can be dangerous. This depiction can also be damaging to those who have personality disorders. However, there are many ways of overcoming this media-generated stigma. How the Media Negatively Skews PublicRead More

Foods That Feed Our Recovery

While the cliche that people crave unhealthy foods in sobriety may be true, it’s important to remember that there are foods that can feed our recovery more productively. When we first set out on the path of sobriety, our bodies often want to replace the substance we’ve removed from our lives with sugar, sugar, andRead More

Meaningful Support and Guidance Following Treatment

One of the hardest things to do is recognize that you need a change and take the first step. You did that when you decided to seek treatment for your addiction. Now that you have successfully completed treatment, you may find yourself thinking about your life in recovery and how to navigate through that lifeRead More

What Are Common Side Effects of SSRIs?

It’s normal to feel anxious when starting a new medication after a diagnosis. Unfortunately, SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) have a pretty bad reputation among the general population. Side effects from SSRIs are common, and they can last for the entire time that you take them. While these side effects are generally not dangerous orRead More

Simple Routines to Combat Trauma

Mental health issues like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can impact anyone. There is no set formula for when and how a person experiences trauma, but the effects can be far-reaching. In the aftermath of trauma, it’s natural to feel scared, confused, and alone. However, there are many different ways you can begin to rebuild yourRead More

Do Fad Diets Promote Eating Disorders?

Many fad diets are promoted these days. They all seem to advocate the same thing—eating just a small amount of food and losing weight fast. That might sound like an ideal situation for anyone trying to lose weight, but most people don’t realize that fad diets can lead to eating disorders. Let’s take a closerRead More