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Why Can’t I Find A Treatment Program That Works For Me?

You haven’t been properly assessed. Proper assessment is the most critical component of treatment. The way you are assessed determines how you are treated. When you do not undergo a proper assessment for everything you have going on, you do not get treated for all of your issues. Many people experience dual diagnosis, which isRead More

Can You Develop Trauma By Watching Tragedy On The News?

More than any country in the world, the United States has a problem with mass violence. When somethng tragic happens to a considerably large group of American citizens, the rest of the country and indeed the world are kept up to date, twenty-four hours a day. Gruesome images, first-hand witness videos, pictures, and details areRead More

Coping With Trauma: Body And Spirit

Trauma lives in more places than the mind. Coping with trauma has to take place spiritually as well as physically. Coping With Trauma Spiritually Trauma is a sudden event which shocks us to our core. We consider traumatic events to be horrifying which is an accurate description because “horror” means “an intense feeling of fear,Read More

Are Ocd And Trauma Connected?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is considered part of the anxiety disorder family. Many people are misinformed about this disorder and the way that it affects someone’s life. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is the result of intrusive, unwanted, obsessive thoughts that lead to a compulsive behavior in order to relieve the obsessive thinking. Cleanliness and organization, as wellRead More

Can The 12 Steps Help My Trauma?

The twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous took a few years to write. Surviving his chronic and life threatening alcoholism through a series of spiritual events and specific activities, Bill Wilson, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous did a tremendous amount of research. He had been following the six steps of the Oxford Group for many yearsRead More

Half Of Children In The Us Experience Trauma

Part of the reason Disney has had such worldwide success for decades on end is the fact that one man, Walt Disney, managed to capture the essence of the quintessential childhood. The Disney-fied childhood is one full of magic, wonder, and awe, free from the struggles and pain of adulthood. Full of fairy dust, adventures,Read More