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Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse

Bipolar disorder can be extremely difficult to diagnose correctly in some individuals. The symptoms one person displays for bipolar disorder may look very different than how another person displays symptoms or struggles. Many people receive the wrong diagnosis or no diagnosis at all. Often individuals receive a diagnosis of depression or end up seeing multipleRead More

Can I Be Addicted to Social Media?

Social media plays a very large role in our society. Almost everyone has a profile on one platform or another. Most of us are on multiple social media platforms and use them multiple times a day. There can be many benefits of social media. It can be a way to connect with others, especially thoseRead More

How Can I Find the Right Therapist?

Making the decision to seek therapy is a big step and can be intimidating. Opening up to a complete stranger about your innermost thoughts and feelings can be a scary prospect for most people. You will have to work hard digging deep into past issues that you know will probably be emotional and challenging. AsRead More

Coping Strategies for Personality Disorders

There are many different forms of personality disorders, such as antisocial personality disorder and borderline personality disorder. Depending on the specific diagnosis you receive, there are multiple different appropriate therapy options to discover and work through. But are there other self-care and coping strategies you can learn to do on your own in addition toRead More

Warning Signs of Cocaine Abuse

An addiction to cocaine is a very serious thing. Being able to understand and recognize warning signs not only in others but within yourself can mean the difference between getting the help needed early versus getting it late. For some people, receiving treatment early on in the addiction means an easier journey to recovery. RecognizingRead More

Coping When a Loved One Has a Mental Illness

Mental illness can be very hard on any relationship. The stress that it so often brings has the ability to reach a crisis level for everyone involved. The focus of the relationship can become about managing the mental illness and not about the relationship itself. Watching your partner or loved one suffer is a veryRead More

What Are Signs of a Depression Relapse?

For some individuals who have worked their way through depression, they may never experience it again. However, for many people that may not be the case. Some people may seek therapy to work through depression and symptoms may go away only to come back years later. Everyone is different and will work through depression differently.Read More

Avoiding Secrecy in Recovery

A lot has changed since you had an active addiction. You have probably worked really hard on your mental health, trauma, and thought patterns. You may be exploring new activities now, or hobbies that you never expected to enjoy. Maybe you are pursuing your education or a new job that used to be out ofRead More