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How Can I Form Meaningful Relationships?

Relationships take work. There will be good times and bad times, but you can build a solid, meaningful relationship with commitment and willingness to adjust to situations. Regardless of where you are in your relationship, you can take time to deepen the connection with a few new habits. Is My Relationship Healthy? Every person isRead More

Trying Different Holistic Approaches

With the wide variety of alternative approaches to treatment and recovery, finding out what you feel most comfortable doing is a critical component of your aftercare plan. If you’re considering looking into various types of therapy, choosing one that works best for your lifestyle and specific needs can make all the difference in your commitmentRead More

Why Is It Important to Try New Things?

When was the last time you tried something new? Trying a new thing every day, week, month, or year can bring excitement to your life. Think of all the things you want to try or do but are afraid to try. Fear is an obstacle to pushing your boundaries, but it can also motivate youRead More

Repairing My Finances in Recovery

Finances are a common conversation in addiction recovery. The discussion can range from the cost of treatment to the cost of catching up on missed payments that occurred while active addiction was present. Conversations can become quite lively when it comes to an individual’s finances and how they can improve through recovery. Even though yourRead More

Resisting Temptation With an Escape Route

Everyone is tempted at some point in life; some of the biggest challenges we face revolve around temptations. As a result, we are preconditioned to avoid temptation as much as possible. Temptation is also considered a trigger in addiction recovery because it can cause us to fall back into previous unhealthy habits. It’s important toRead More

What Is Forgotten Trauma?

The word trauma is thrown about, often without regard to its meaning. Trauma is not seeing a spider or not having your favorite food available when you want it. Distressing events or frightening experiences can create psychological or emotional responses that disrupt a person’s life. While most people can recall the events or person whoRead More

Why Do People Pivot Their Lives?

The word pivot conjures up different ways a person can change their personal or professional life. A person who decides to switch up a specific area in their life often addresses what would benefit and suit their needs. They want to make a substantial impact on their life. Whether a person is pivoting their personalRead More

Relationships May Change in Treatment

Life is funny, and our casual connections may develop into relationships over time. There are various types of relationships you may have, whether it is a new connection or one that’s been in your life for an extensive period. Relationships can change over time due to experiences, influences, and personal growth. In the path ofRead More

Is It Too Late to Start Over?

Change is a part of life; no one remains the same throughout life. Most people evolve and grow as they age. They can also decide to make lifestyle changes that impact their lives during their evolution. People can change no matter how old they are. Is Changing Hard? Anytime you start something new, there areRead More

Blocked Goals: Another Problem With Substance Abuse

Goals are self-motivational tools that help us change. They can include a more balanced lifestyle focused on healthy habits. Goals essentially help bring purpose and aspiration to the action needed to work towards the achievement. However, substance abuse can block goals. Practical Goal Setting and Benefits Typically when we want to set goals, we wantRead More