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How Can I Be More Positive During Difficult Times?

When we face difficult times, we can find it extremely challenging to maintain a positive attitude. The easier response is often anger. Often our emotions become incredibly tangled together, and it can be challenging to understand what you are feeling and experiencing. If you find yourself struggling, know you are not alone. Here are aRead More

How to Better Acknowledge Your Feelings

Learning to acknowledge your feelings is a significant part of recovery. People often think that if they can bury their feelings deep enough, those feelings will not affect them or their lives. The simple truth is that those feelings you are suppressing probably still affect you and your life even if they may not outwardlyRead More

Can Soothing Sounds Affect My Morning?

How you start your morning has a tremendous effect on the rest of your day. You have probably heard countless times the importance of eating breakfast and fueling your body for the day. Less often do people talk about mentally starting your day strong. One aspect that often gets forgotten about is the first soundsRead More

4 Personal Commitments That Improve Self-Esteem

Improving your self-esteem is a crucial component of working on your mental health, and there are often many aspects that comprise self-esteem. Everyone is on a unique path and will face different challenges as they strive to better their mental health. Taking the time to speak positively to yourself can have significant effects. Here areRead More

6 Ways Life Is Better Sober

Living a sober lifestyle can be amazing. You worked hard to get sober, work on your mental health, and face your trauma. You experienced many uncomfortable days and second guesses. However, you stuck with it and did the hard work it took to find your sobriety. Now is the time you get to experience allRead More

How Can I Become More Forgiving? 

Forgiveness is something we have all needed to find. Whether it be with another person or with ourselves, it is a necessary part of life. However, many people struggle with forgiveness. Holding grudges, staying mad, and not opening minds to other possibilities can all feel easier than forgiveness. If you are struggling to forgive, hereRead More

How to Overcome the Fear of Change

Everyone experiences the fear of change at one moment or another in life. We all worry about making the right choices, growing older, and the natural progression of events. For those who struggle with their mental health, change can feel overwhelming and scary at times. Learning to understand and then work through that fear canRead More

Living a Sober Life Surrounded by Nature

Nature is uniquely beautiful. Depending on where you live, you may not spend much time appreciating or thinking about nature. However, if you struggle with your mental health, spending time in nature may be just what you need. You don’t need to be an outdoors person to enjoy everything nature has to offer. Free upRead More

Is Procrastination Linked to Perfectionism?

Perfectionism can affect every aspect of life for some people. When we feel the need to be perfect, we tend to become consumed with anxiety, worry, and stress. While we are all unique and face unique challenges, many who suffer from perfectionism tend to experience some procrastination at times as well.    Fear of FailureRead More

What to Do When You Are Struggling Emotionally

We all find ourselves struggling emotionally sometimes. If you struggle with addiction, mental health issues, or trauma, you may find it challenging to find your way through those struggles. Know that you are not alone — here are a few tips to help you work through the struggles you are facing.    Reach Out toRead More