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Why Is It So Hard for Me to Meditate?

Even though the psychological and physical benefits of meditation have been well-documented, many people still shy away from this practice because they feel like they simply can’t do it. It can be difficult to meditate, especially if you have intrusive thoughts. If you feel like you have difficulty meditating, know that you’re not alone. However,Read More

Why Does Alcohol Make Anxiety Worse?

Alcohol consumption in the United States is widespread and often celebrated. Unfortunately, this popular substance can also be extremely damaging. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is the most prevalent substance use disorder in the world. Many people who consume alcohol will experience heightened feelings of anxiety. These feelings are frightening and can easily get worse theRead More

The Connection Between Trauma and the Body

Few of us are immune from traumatic experiences in life. However, some experiences may happen so early in our lives that we do not remember them. When that happens, we do not simply forget because we cannot remember. Trauma can continue to impact our lives. The Effect of Trauma That negative experience stays with usRead More

Is Breathwork for Me?

Did you know that one of the most powerful healing modalities is something you do unconsciously every single day? Your breath can help you on your journey of healing trauma, addiction, and other mental illnesses. The ancient medicinal practice of conscious breathwork can help you develop a stronger connection between your mind and body. Ultimately,Read More

How Can I Overcome Negative Thinking Patterns?

Imagine a big upcoming event that you are excited about. You wake up early, and the anticipation is intense. Then you get a call, and your date has to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances. Your mind starts with one negative thought, which spirals into a negative thinking pattern. You find yourself not excited anymore butRead More

The Reality of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

When it comes to our body image, many of us have insecurities that can cause us distress or anxiety. For some people, these feelings are more intense and pervasive, impacting daily life and functioning profoundly. This is known as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), an often-misunderstood mental health condition characterized by excessive preoccupation with perceived physicalRead More

Healing Thoughts in Recovery

When someone is faced with an illness or surgery, others are quick to say, “Sending thoughts of healing.” This is no different than what you are facing in your recovery. Throughout treatment, you were encouraged to identify people, places, and things that triggered your desire to use substances. Another primary trigger is your thought processRead More

Meditation as a Coping Mechanism

Meditation may be unfamiliar to some of us. Often, the thought of meditation may evoke mental images of enlightened Buddhist monks perched far away from the worries of the world and a look of serenity across their faces. Yes, this may be one version of meditation. However, it may be helpful to recognize that thereRead More

How Can I Create My Own Daily Spiritual Practice for Lasting Recovery?

Recovery is not a surface-level process. There are often deep soul wounds involved in overcoming addiction, trauma, and mental health disorders. Your own spiritual practice allows you to connect with your mind, body, and soul. It can help you re-discover joy as you also learn how to release past grief, trauma, and even guilt. HolisticRead More

Stigmas Associated With Trauma Treatment

You may have heard excuses for why people avoid treatment. You may have even said them yourself. Perhaps you have said, “I’ll handle this on my own,” or, “I have friends and family that can listen to me, so I don’t need anyone else.” Further, you may have said, “It’s not affecting my life, soRead More