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What Not to Say to a Child Suffering From Mental Illness

Mental illness can engulf an entire life if left untreated. Adults find themselves struggling to maintain and manage their mental illness every single day. When we have a child in our lives who we see struggling with mental illness, it can be scary and stressful. We want to take away their pain, their hardship, andRead More

Warning Signs of Cocaine Abuse

An addiction to cocaine is a very serious thing. Being able to understand and recognize warning signs not only in others but within yourself can mean the difference between getting the help needed early versus getting it late. For some people, receiving treatment early on in the addiction means an easier journey to recovery. RecognizingRead More

Marriage and Addiction

Being married to someone with an addiction is an extremely difficult thing. It can feel isolating, stressful, and scary. You so desperately want to help your spouse, but only they can help themselves. It can be a very helpless feeling. Here are a few tips to help you navigate through your spouse’s addiction.  Help YourselfRead More

Telling Loved Ones About Your Addiction

Addiction can be extremely isolating. You may not want to fully admit to having an addiction or vocalizing it to others may still be hard. However, there are no better people to ask for help than those who love and support you. Chances are they want you to come to them or are waiting forRead More

Having Child Visits in Treatment

Deciding to seek treatment for an addiction is a big decision, one that probably comes with more than a little stress. You are leaving your home, your routine, and your family to work on the struggles you are facing. When you have a child or children at home, this can be an even scarier decisionRead More

Children of Addicts

Everyone is affected by addiction. Whether you are the addict, a family member, or a friend, you are in some way impacted. Everyone is also affected differently and to different degrees. What may greatly impact someone else’s life, may have little effect on you. One group, in particular, that is affected would be the childrenRead More

The Whole Family Suffers from an Addiction

When you are suffering from an addiction or a mental health issue, it can be an isolating feeling. You may feel like you have no one to talk to, that no one understands how you are feeling, or ashamed that your loved ones see you in this manner. The truth is, addiction affects every singleRead More

The Importance of Establishing Lasting Boundaries

Following a long term intensive residency or outpatient program, you may be concerned that the progress you’ve made may relapse. This is understandable. In the real world, family, relationships, employment, and other matters will present distractions and challenges in building new habits. Peer support during this transitional phase is especially important. However, besides your therapistRead More