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4 Habits of Healthy Relationships

Maintaining healthy relationships is extremely important for our mental health. Everyone needs to feel a sense of belonging, understanding, and acceptance. Whether the relationships are romantic, platonic, or familial, they are all important and help us continue to strive to face our challenges head-on. Here are four habits that can help you maintain healthy relationshipsRead More

5 Tips for Combating Unhelpful Behaviors

At times, we all exhibit behaviors that are unhelpful and unproductive. However, these behaviors can stifle growth, impact relationships, and affect our mental health. Learning to acknowledge which of our behaviors are unproductive versus productive is powerful for our personal growth. The following five tips can help combat those behaviors which do not benefit yourRead More

How to Combat Supporter Burnout

If you have a loved one struggling with addiction or mental health struggles, you may notice that it can affect you as well, both mentally and physically.  When we see someone we care about struggling, our instinct is to help and support them. We naturally want to take away their pain, do the work forRead More

Affirmations to Start Your Week

Affirmations can help get your mindset in a positive place as you begin a new week. We all face unique challenges every single day. Whether you are working through trauma, addiction, or bettering your mental health, affirmations can be a positive addition to your morning routine. Here are a few affirmations that can help youRead More

How Can I Be More Positive During Difficult Times?

When we face difficult times, we can find it extremely challenging to maintain a positive attitude. The easier response is often anger. Often our emotions become incredibly tangled together, and it can be challenging to understand what you are feeling and experiencing. If you find yourself struggling, know you are not alone. Here are aRead More

Can Soothing Sounds Affect My Morning?

How you start your morning has a tremendous effect on the rest of your day. You have probably heard countless times the importance of eating breakfast and fueling your body for the day. Less often do people talk about mentally starting your day strong. One aspect that often gets forgotten about is the first soundsRead More

4 Personal Commitments That Improve Self-Esteem

Improving your self-esteem is a crucial component of working on your mental health, and there are often many aspects that comprise self-esteem. Everyone is on a unique path and will face different challenges as they strive to better their mental health. Taking the time to speak positively to yourself can have significant effects. Here areRead More

How Can I Become More Forgiving? 

Forgiveness is something we have all needed to find. Whether it be with another person or with ourselves, it is a necessary part of life. However, many people struggle with forgiveness. Holding grudges, staying mad, and not opening minds to other possibilities can all feel easier than forgiveness. If you are struggling to forgive, hereRead More

How to Overcome the Fear of Change

Everyone experiences the fear of change at one moment or another in life. We all worry about making the right choices, growing older, and the natural progression of events. For those who struggle with their mental health, change can feel overwhelming and scary at times. Learning to understand and then work through that fear canRead More

What to Do When You Are Struggling Emotionally

We all find ourselves struggling emotionally sometimes. If you struggle with addiction, mental health issues, or trauma, you may find it challenging to find your way through those struggles. Know that you are not alone — here are a few tips to help you work through the struggles you are facing.    Reach Out toRead More