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Supporting a Loved One as They Enter Rehab

Seeing your loved ones struggle with addiction or mental health can be painful and heartbreaking. When they are ready to accept help, it can be a beacon of light after a long, dark path. As they are preparing to enter a rehabilitation center they will need support more than ever. It can be intimidating toRead More

I Relapsed, Now What?

Relapse is sometimes an unfortunate part of our recovery. When it happens, it is easy to feel an overwhelming sense of guilt and defeat. Returning to the meetings you went to and friends you have can be daunting, and may even feel impossible. Shame and disappointment in yourself can be overpowering.  Don’t give up.  YouRead More

What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy?

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, or DBT, was created by Marsha Linehan in the 1980s. She grew up suffering from borderline personality disorder, which at the time, there wasn’t a real treatment for. As she recovered, she wanted to develop psychotherapy that could treat others like her, and help them find the relief that she had found.Read More

Losing Connection with Our Higher Power

The pinnacle of recovery is turning our will over to a Higher Power of our understanding. As we work through our 12-Step program, we are able to find a Higher Power that we can do business with. This is a very personal choice, regardless of your religion or upbringing. Spirituality is at the center ofRead More

How Do I Start Journaling?

Adding journaling to your life can be a wonderful method of reflection. Life can be unpredictable and tracking our milestones and musings can be beneficial on a daily basis as well as in the future. Writing can act as a form of solace in difficult times, it can be a remembrance of celebrations and achievements,Read More

The Terrible Twos of Sobriety: A Survival Guide

The first year of sobriety can feel like a dream. As we reconnect spiritually, emotionally, and mentally we begin to regain our freedom and sense of peace. Taking the 12-Steps with a sponsor and getting involved in fellowship rewards us with a new life. The rewards are plentiful and we find the pieces of ourRead More

Is My Relationship Hindering My Sobriety?

Beginning a new relationship, or continuing one, as we get sober can be a beautiful thing. As we reconnect with ourselves, it can be wonderful to build connections with others as well. Getting in touch with our emotions and moving past baggage we held onto previously can open doors in a relationship that had notRead More

How Can I Help Someone Struggling with Anxiety?

Anxiety can feel overwhelming whether it is chronic or presents in a panic attack. Watching the people that you love struggle with anxiety can be very painful, especially if all you want to do is help. In the midst of an anxiety attack, or even simply spending time with someone who is suffering can feelRead More

The Stigma of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental illness that has many different symptoms. These include unstable and extreme moods, impulsive behavior, and negative self-image. People who suffer from BPD can also experience problematic relationships, high levels of anger and anxiety, and engage in substance abuse or self-harm. There is a large stigma surrounding this disorder,Read More

How Can I Be More Self Aware?

The unpredictable nature of life creates chaos in many different ways. Factors such as addiction and mental illness can cause this chaos to feel even more extreme. Continuous stress, frustration, anguish, despair, or instability can lead us to lose our sense of self. We cannot seem to understand or manage our emotions, thoughts, or actions.Read More