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Relocating in Sobriety

Moving to a new city or location can be a daunting thought when you are in recovery. If you have lived in one place for a long time and started your journey in recovery there, it can be frightening to leave. Whether you are relocating for your career or other circumstances, separating from the meetings,Read More

How Does Negative Thinking Affect Us?

Our brains and bodies are incredible things. They respond to our environment, our emotions and feelings in intricate and complex ways, sometimes noticeable and other times completely unseen. Stress, trauma, and mental illness in our lives are factors that create our methods of survival. In dealing with these challenges, our negative thinking can become overwhelmingRead More

Why We Came, Why We Stay

Regardless of our experiences before we begin our recovery, we all shared similar feelings. Hopelessness, degradation, and pain were running rampant in our lives. Happiness felt like a fictional state of being, and we had very little peace of mind. The relief was hard to find, and it seemed like the damage was just pilingRead More

You’re Sober? How Do You Have Fun?

The culture of our society today places alcohol at the center of many activities and events that are associated with fun. Concerts, holiday gatherings, birthday celebrations, weddings, all of these are pastimes that are commonly considered to require drinking in order to enjoy. In contrast, in times of sadness or grief, alcohol is also aRead More

Working A High-Stress Job in Recovery

Accumulating time sober allows us to reap many rewards in our lives. We become responsible, reliable members of society. For many of us, the reintegration process includes beginning a new job or continuing one from before getting sober. One of the incredible blessings of recovery is that we may find ourselves accepting positions that weRead More

Practicing Positive Self-Talk

The way we treat ourselves is directly linked to our self-esteem and our interactions with others, in every area of our life. Our past experiences, trauma, and mental health issues could have negatively affected our inner narrative. We may discipline ourselves when we make a mistake. Feelings of being unworthy or unlovable can cultivate throughRead More

Benefits of Art Therapy

With the ever-growing progress of different therapeutic modalities, art therapy can be a wonderful addition to your healing journey. Art therapy is how we incorporate creativity into our recovery to learn new things about ourselves in an emotional and psychological manner. There are many different ways we can utilize art in therapy. Some people createRead More

Being a Role Model In Recovery

Once upon a time, you were a newcomer in your recovery program. You knew very little about how the 12-Steps works and what a sponsor was. In fact, you knew even less about what you were supposed to do next. Walking into your first meeting or group session, you felt vulnerable, confused, possibly even scared.Read More

What to Expect When You Are Discharged From Rehab

Completing your rehab program is a huge accomplishment. It is certainly something to be proud of. If your facility was inpatient and you have been there for a significant amount of time, reintegrating into the real world can be both exciting and daunting, simultaneously. Leaving a place of structure and guidance might be a causeRead More