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How to Navigate the Unexpected

Recovery is not always easy. Living a healthy and sober lifestyle after addiction can have both ups and downs. Some days may feel like more work than others. You will also experience the unexpected throughout your recovery. Being able to work through unexpected situations is very important in maintaining your sobriety and your mental health. Read More

Why Is Learning Self-Control So Important?

Self-control can be hard. Every single person has their self-control tested. It could be buying those donuts in the store, that really expensive purse, or your drug of choice. If you have made the choice to seek help for your mental health issues or addiction, you will ultimately be working towards understanding your self-control, yourRead More

How to Manifest a Goal

Having and achieving goals is a vital aspect of recovery. Sometimes when we are faced with mental health challenges, addiction, and trauma, our feelings become so powerful that we do not know where to turn or how to start working towards anything. Working with a mental health professional in some compacity will help you setRead More

Being More Than Your Diagnosis: Understanding Your Identity

Facing addiction is one of the hardest things many people have to face. Rarely does addiction occur without some other mental health challenge or trauma. When you initially sought treatment for your addiction, you may have received other diagnoses as well, diagnoses such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. These disorders are all things youRead More

How To Fight Indecisiveness

“Should I get a college degree in biology or chemistry? I kind of want Subway for lunch, but I also kind of want McDonald’s.” Being indecisive means that you have a difficult time making decisions. For most, being indecisive does not disrupt their everyday life; thinking decisions through can be very beneficial. However, for otherRead More

Living With an Anxious Partner

Mental health can affect everyone within the family. Each member needs to learn how to work through their struggles in a healthy way. If you live with a partner who struggles with anxiety, you may wish you could take away their worries or solve their problems. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. IfRead More

How Can I Overcome Shyness?

Shyness is not a bad thing. Some of us are naturally more reserved than others. Shyness can be thought of as an uncomfortable, tense, or even awkward internal feeling when in social situations. To an extent, most people have felt shy at one point or another in life. For some people, though, shyness can affectRead More

The Importance of Giving Back After Recovery

Your recovery has been an amazing journey. You worked hard, faced your fears, took on challenges, and came out on the other side happy and healthy. There were probably moments where you questioned your choices, your path, and those around you. You made it, and now you are living a sober lifestyle. One thing thatRead More

3 Ways to Deepen Our Friendships

Everyone has certain friendships that are only surface deep. Those friendships can be great for making small talk, socializing, and expanding our social circle. However, having deeper friendships is important as we journey through recovery. Sometimes you may find yourself in a situation where you simply don’t know how to deepen a friendship. Maybe youRead More

How Can I Become More Confident?

Confidence can be a powerful tool. You can accomplish tasks, reach goals, make new relationships—all if you have the confidence to take the first step. Many people struggle with confidence, all for different reasons. A lack of confidence can be thought of as the top layer of past trauma, mental health struggles, and a mixtureRead More