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Ditching Bad Habits in Recovery

Recovery is not automatically a trip down paradise lane. People in recovery need to ditch bad habits as much as they did while addicted to drugs. The reason people break away from addiction is for a better life. Giving it up is a great start, but it is not enough to sustain sobriety. The personRead More

What Does it Mean to Actually Break Free From Addiction?

People are drawn into an addiction for many reasons. Maybe they did not realize they were addicted for a long time until the veil of denial was lifted. Maybe they realized after the first time they tried a drug, they were hooked. There may be other reasons, but no matter what, there is the realizationRead More

Carfentanil Use

Drugs are a threat to people of all ages and demographics. Some are more dangerous than others. Carfentanil is one such drug. Learn more about the severe effects of the risky substance on people’s lives and why people need to be careful when dealing with Carfentanil or any other drug and seek help for recovery. Read More

Can Our Job Put Us At Risk of Addiction

Nearly 23.5 million Americans struggle with addiction to alcohol or drugs, so that it crosses demographics like age, race, gender, and socioeconomic background, in fact, more people are susceptible to addiction than ever who are professionals because of the levels of stress they experience on the job. People in high-powered roles may have high functioningRead More

The Brains Connection to Addiction Amongst Professionals

Leaders, professionals, and executives are human first and foremost. It is hard to think about them this way because they seem to achieve superhuman things like run companies, manage portfolios worth billions of dollars, and create empires that impact thousands of lives. Inside, though, they may be wrestling with demons nobody knows about. The ‘C-Suite’Read More

How to Get Moving When Motivation is Lagging

Getting motivation is hard for some people because it is difficult to get moving and do much in recovery without it. Taking action means getting out there and being proactive most of the time. Sometimes the mind gets in the way of motivation where it says there is no need to think about anything, justRead More