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Maintaining Our Sobriety During COVID-19

With the current events occurring worldwide, you may be feeling anxious about how to stay active in your sobriety. There is a substantial amount of uncertainty and anxiety surrounding the coronavirus. The efforts of social distancing have been put in place to protect us from contracting the virus, as well as from spreading it toRead More

How Can I Deal With Stress in My Recovery?

Stress impacts everyone but can be even more pervasive when someone has experienced intense trauma. This negative stress — called distress — can negatively impact your recovery if you don’t have the tools to deal with it. You can experience anxiety, depression, physical pain, altered habits, and worsening substance use. Your body goes through changesRead More

Dealing With Life on Life’s Term

You can take the drugs and alcohol away from the individual, but you cannot take away the drama. No matter how long someone is sober or how much they work through their issues, life will always provide some ups and downs. Life inevitably includes trials and tribulations that can really influence the outcome of eachRead More

What Trauma Looks Like in Recovery

There may come a time where you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. You have suffered from your trauma long enough, and drugs and alcohol can no longer cover the pain you feel. Isolation, depression, and self-medicating are necessary to suppress the pain. Unfortunately, even this solution is no longer working. AlthoughRead More

How Long Do I Have to Go to Therapy?

Now that you have a little bit of sobriety time under your belt, you could be wondering how long you should continue attending therapy. You may have started therapy in your rehabilitation facility, or you may have decided to go on your own. There could come a time when you will question whether you needRead More

Why Being Open-Minded Works in Recovery

The essentials in recovery are Honesty, Open-mindedness, and Willingness. Having these at the forefront of your mind can really help you navigate recovery in an attempt for long-term sobriety. While these essentials loom large as part of the solution to your recovery, they can also present a tall order.   One of the reasons thatRead More

The Cunning of Our Mental Obsession

When it comes to addiction, many of us believe that alcohol and other drugs are the sources of the problems in our lives. As we begin the work of our 12-Step program, we come to learn that the underlying issues we have are inside of ourselves. Alcohol and other drugs were our solutions to theRead More

How Visual Art Heals the Mind

Addicted individuals healing from trauma along their path to recovery can benefit from physical mediums of communication—namely, visual art. Engaging in art forms such as painting, sculpting, and collage foster an artist’s connection with their emotions, memories, and learning. Like a new physical exercise, the visual arts heal the mind by activating creative brain cells,Read More