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Peer Pressure as an Adult

So often when the phrase “peer pressure” is used, it is automatically assumed to be geared towards children or teenagers. It is true that high school is typically riddled with various levels of peer pressure, but that is not the only time peer pressure can surface in life. Adults are just as vulnerable to peerRead More

What Does an Addiction to Adderall Look Like?

Many people think taking Adderall is safe. Students take it to focus on homework or studying, and adults may take it for an extra boost for work projects. So often people do not take this drug seriously until they become addicted and it affects their life. If you know someone who may be taking thisRead More

Equine Therapy and Trauma

Equine therapy, also known as equine-assisted therapy, is a treatment that includes equine activities, and or an equine environment, in order to promote physical, occupational, and emotional growth in those suffering from a wide array of diagnoses and disabilities. Those suffering from anxiety, depression, behavioral issues, and traumas are among those who may benefit fromRead More

Learning to Celebrate Your Recovery

Learning to celebrate your recovery and your sobriety can be a learning process for a lot of people. When we focus on our recovery from addiction, we tend to focus more on the mistakes that we made, the poor choices, and the regrets. It can be easy to overlook all of the great accomplishments thatRead More

How Do You Build Hope?

Having hope through your recovery journey is a very important part of it. Hope helps us to think in a positive manner, appreciate our past but be excited about the future, and move forward through difficulties. Sometimes we find ourselves fixated on the past or stuck in negative emotions. This can really hinder our journey,Read More

Having Child Visits in Treatment

Deciding to seek treatment for an addiction is a big decision, one that probably comes with more than a little stress. You are leaving your home, your routine, and your family to work on the struggles you are facing. When you have a child or children at home, this can be an even scarier decisionRead More

What Are My Panic Attacks Telling Me?

Anyone who has experienced a panic attack knows how horrible an experience it is with the intense, debilitating panic that courses through our body. Often we only think about the physical symptoms when describing our panic attacks. However, digging deeper and learning more about our panic can be extremely helpful in understanding what we areRead More

Facing Stigma in Recovery

Living a life of sobriety can be extremely rewarding. You have worked very hard to make the decision to get sober, attend treatment, explore your feelings, and learn to understand your needs. It was not always fun, but you did it. Now you can lead a life filled with happiness and health. However, sometimes weRead More

Learning to Relax

For those suffering from an addiction, the concept of relaxation may be a difficult thing to imagine. As an active user, you may be struggling with chaotic thoughts, actions, and plans. You may find yourself always on the go and never fully understand why. The chaos that typically surrounds addicts can make it challenging toRead More

Children of Addicts

Everyone is affected by addiction. Whether you are the addict, a family member, or a friend, you are in some way impacted. Everyone is also affected differently and to different degrees. What may greatly impact someone else’s life, may have little effect on you. One group, in particular, that is affected would be the childrenRead More