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Two Elements Of Dissociation We Don’t Talk About Enough

Dissociative states are common with those living with unresolved trauma. Entering dissociation is not solely belonging to PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. By definition, dissociation is “the disconnection or separation of something from something else or the state of being disconnected.” Someone who has memories and life experiences that are too great to cope with disconnectRead More

How is Adhd Treated?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has seen some extreme scrutiny and criticism as a diagnosis. Children are constantly being diagnosed with ADHD. Some have blamed the digital, instant gratification world that children are being raised in. Other blame the chemicals, hormones, and pesticides in food. A lack of parenting and letting kids “be kids” has alsoRead More

Should Recovery From Binge Eating Disorder Focus On Dietary Changes?

Lifestyle changes are an important part of all recovery. From mood disorders to addictions, eating disorders to trauma, living in recovery means changing the way you live. Proven methods like meditation, mindfulness, and exercise are part of a lifestyle change that will positively contribute to positive changes. Extensive amounts of research have proven that dietRead More

You Aren’t Comfortable Being You Yet (and That’s Okay)

Recovery isn’t always a comfortable process. As you being introspection and therapeutic investigation, you find that at once you’re learning more about yourself, and know less about yourself than ever before. In between, you can feel uncomfortable being you, because who you are is changing. Remember, it’s okay to be wherever you are in yourRead More

Could Sugar Be Causing Your Anxiety?

Sugar has been equated to a drug. Varying brain imaging studies have determined that sugar, the fine white substance, is not much different from another fine white substance- cocaine. Both are stimulants, can be addicting, have an effect on the brain, and can be devastating to the body in high quantities. Equating sugar to cocaineRead More

Waking Up And Feeling The Feelings

What happens within your first thirty minutes of being awake can be a dictator of the rest of your day. There is reason we often trace the source of a bad day to “waking up on the wrong side of the bed”. If our day doesn’t start right, it can feel impossible to get itRead More

Are Mental Health Disorders Contagious?

The word “empathy” has gained a lot of recognition in the last few years as tensions and difficulties have grown all over the world. Professionals write about different empathy factors those who are empathetic face. Compassion and empathy can come at a cost if they are not carefully managed. While some call it codependency andRead More

How Can a Morning Ritual Help Structure Your Day?

U.S. Navy Vice Admiral William H. McRaven knows a thing or two about structure. Living a military lifestyle means living a regimented one. From the way those in service fold and iron their clothes to the lengths of their haircuts, there is a strict discipline for all areas of his life. For Admiral McRaven, oneRead More

Holiday Survival Toolkit: Dealing With That Relative

Maybe it is your aunt, your grandma, your uncle, or your Cousin Joe. Most people have at least one relative who is difficult, toxic, challenging, and frequently triggering. As the holiday comes and the interaction with your dreaded relative becomes inevitable, here are a few tools for coping. Remember, if any part of your holidayRead More